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First week.

"So you're straight?"

"It's complicated, a lot to explain, and these questions were supposed to be about me being the best teacher!" Louis said with a high pitched laugh, he wanted to talk to them about all this, however, he knew how some people were with those topics and he would never stop once he started talking.

One group of students that would usually be very loud and laugh about everything got very quiet when he answered without an answer. Louis thought he might have said something wrong or that they were homophobic, but when one of the girls started to whisper to the others, they were all smiling at him with mischief, the same look in their eyes, they were up to something. Louis was scared.

"I would say quiet down but everyone is very quiet already... it's drama, we are supposed to be creating dramatic scenes and fake laughs" He clapped his hands together determined, going to stand up as a voice said his name from the door. He didn't mind getting interrupted, it would probably save him from this awkward silence he had created.

Even as a drama teacher he was very bad at acting when it got awkward.

Especially around very, very, handsome history teachers with no acting skills at all.

As casually as he could he wiped his freezing, but sweaty, hands on his thighs. A bit more sensually than he wanted, but he was standing there all pretty, his back up against the open door, glasses sitting low on his nose, and a coat - it's the end of summer why is he wearing a coat inside?- it was black and long.

"You coming? Wanted a talk about... that. That thing, we, we needed to..." He cleared his throat when he saw Louis hands slowly rubbing his thighs.

"Oh god, stop eye-fucking in the classroom- at least go to your office!" One student said. Louis had for a moment forgotten he was in the midst of teaching, he rolled his eyes and looked sharply at the girl. The same one who whispered to her group.

"Kid, stop it! At least don't use that word here, it's a school, remember?" He almost yelled, he was not one to raise his voice unless it was for fun. Didn't like chewing out students either.

"Your office...sir?" Harry said lowly and groaned as Louis nodded, following him to his office.

This was going to be awkward and they both knew it. Mostly Louis because he is always awkward when looking at those green eyes that hold so much emotion, but his face is always soft. Louis always showed his emotions a bit much. He thinks it's because he barely knows how to act, when not acting.

Harry followed Louis like a little puppy, needing someone to hold on to when the world was big and scary. Louis was new, this being his first week with the students, so it should be the other way around.

Harry has been in the school for almost 5 years now, making him feel old. He graduated pretty quickly and got a job right after, he would miss his youth some days, all he did these days was correct assignments and read about the new subjects the different classes had.

"Sit. So what thing? The student thing or the teaching thing?" Harry obeyed quickly, surprising Louis, his reaction saying it all. Mouth a bit open and chest rising slowly.

"The teach thing, we could discuss the students' thing but that's foolish." Louis nodded. "You wanted to put history into a play? How would you do that?" Harry was clueless, it was cute.

"We will take something that changed how we see the world now, and reenact it, but we need your help to make it as realistic and educational as possible. I was thinking something small that happened one day, so not a world war, and then you could ask your students if they could help with setting it all up, maybe? We're having 2 pieces right before Christmas, that should make enough time, yeah?" Louis explained with his hands making big gestures, as always.

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