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louis pov

"You know, you didn't tell me you had a meeting with Helen, so why were you with her? Does she know you are with me?" I know he said Helen was there but why, i know this is probably not the best time to talk about students, but i want to know. And she is the queen of spreading gossip so if she knows who Harry talked to... well then i am a dead teacher.

They already sorta know i am gay or at least not straight, so why would they assume we are doing anything other than fucking when she knows Harry is at my place!

Oh god.

This is worse than i imagined it would be!

Harry clears his throat and looks at me with a smug smile.

"Well.. she kind of knows? She also commented on your sex life which was awkward for sure, but she's a good girl. She won't tell everyone..." He looks like a tomato now, all red and flustered, hopefully with the mention of my sex life.

Wait why would she know anything about that? I barely tell my dates my sex life!

"What did she say about my sex life? How would she even know. What is going on with that teenage gossip!" i cannot believe this!

He sighs frustrated then looks at me with embarrassment written all over his face. This must be bad, it must be bad, oh shit. Also the comment with not telling everyone? Does he not know she is the one spreading every gossip that exists? Probably only wanted to talk with him because of the gossip she needed. little needy-

He cuts off my thoughts when he starts to speak, his honey like voice and lips having a dance entrances me and makes me forget everything i had on my mind.

"You're looking angry, why are you angry hun? I know the teenage gossip is annoying but they never actually believe it when it is about the teachers. You want a message?" Well that was out of the blue, i blink a few times trying to figure out why he would ask that. I think he understands my confusion cause he starts speaking again.

"You are very tense, your shoulders are by your ears!"

Then i see a small wink, or maybe i imagine it, really hoping i am not imagining it, i need him.

I haven't done anything or said anything when we've been together or anything because what if he isn't into me like that, like i am into him. I don't know what i would do if he wasn't. I would shatter.

However, now he is giving hints, well, other hints than staring at my ass. I need him too bad for him to start small like this.

Doesn't he also already have a partner, i heard some students talk about it, which just confused me with how his whole demeanour is when he is around me, he changes so much. Like he will do anything and everything i do, almost.

"I guess you could if you really want to?" I seem so unsure even though it is the thing i want most in the world. Him.

I am not obsessed no, not yet. I can't be.

His faces lights up suddenly, like he got an idea, oh no. He probably has ADHD the way his brain runs and forgets everything. He will get an idea and just blurt it out in the middle of the conversation.

"We totally forgot about the play! I barely spoke to you about it after we figured out what it should be about. Are we doing it on the big scene?"

Like now. Not that i have studied him or know all kinds of small things about him, i am just very observant.

"We could. Why, do you want it to be on the big scene? It's very broad but not very deep."

I am very confused of his sudden outburst and why he is thinking of the scene? It doesn't seem like the best idea, i better like the small one since it is more square than long.

"Yes! Exactly what we need!"

"This is confusing me, why would we need a long scene instead? I also thought we would do the show more acting than fighting? none of my kids very much like fighting scenes, them being against violence. Which i think is nice."

I am against violence too, sometimes not. Somewhere special i am not.

I smirk at the thought, but quickly mask it with a smile when his eyes meet mine. He can't know, not yet, not even when he acts all helpless and needy. He will freak out.

"You're laughing, am i being silly? I know there won't be much fighting, you're the drama teacher you can figure out how they should do it, and i will find out everything i can about that day and see if i can fit it in a chronological small assignment? That sounds good doesn't it?" He keeps rambling and rambling and all i want is to feel his lips on mine!

I just nod in agreement, worried that if i speak i will not be able to contain myself.

But then he takes a glitterpen and my notebook, starts writing things down and it intrigues me, why is he using my notebook? Also a glitterpen? Who even let him have it, i know he loves colour and all that, but glitter must be the end of it, right?

He keeps scribbling and i just stare at him, noticing features i didn't see before. I wish i had, he looks perfect.

His tiny hint of blue in his eyes, the small dimple and his ears, they are the perfect shape for ears.

His hair falls down right above his nose and i notice how soft it looks, the skin is rough but his silk hair makes me not see it.

His jawline sharp and his cheekbones the same way, his cheeks more puffy than mine, but way more defined.

His lips look soft even though they a slightly chapped on the bottom lip, especially in the left side. Must be where he bites his lip.

This makes me question everything, he looks like the perfect human being, what if i actually like him a bit?

I don't know how to show feelings that well, especially not romantic feelings.

kind of a filer chapter but it will all make sense okay.

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