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chapter 5
this is such a cliche, of course, this happens, who would've known, apparently not me.

this was a mistake. I knew it, even said it beforehand.

his eyes are too captivating for me to notice his hand travelling higher, I barely notice his lips moving when he asks something, his eyes closing for a small blink.

He closes his eyes again and I have nothing to look at so my attention goes towards the cold hand with the sleeve under the thumb, the sweet touch of his fingertips feeling me. My insides feel soft and like pudding, and I don't mind it.

I should be careful and it's too soon. but his fingers caressing my thigh, barely touching and his body that is turned towards me keeps my rational thoughts in the back of my brain.

His mouth moves again but my brain is beginning to get foggy so I don't register it. "W-What, what did you say?" of course I stuttered, hate that.

I don't want to come off as small and weak in front of him, I am not small and weak.

He smiles and his hand moves a bit around so it is on the inside of my thigh. my breath stops completely, why does he have to have his hand there. That is suggesting something that i am not ready for yet, at least i don't think i am.

Maybe with him.

"I just said that i need your address, love. I can't take you home without it. Unless that's what you want..." He ponders a bit on it, then starts speaking again, now in a much more hushed and suggestive tone, "do you want to come to my place huh?"

I can't, not yet.

i sit and shuffle my feet around a bit before answering him.

"I mean, could be fun? My place is a bit far so might need some food first?" i say, trying to find of a good excuse to get to his place. It comes out more of a question which makes me feel disappointed in my talking skills.

Louis is always so good with words, and then there is me who barely know how to ask him something.

He always knows how to make them hit just right, make people squirm or do whatever he wants, people being me.

He pretends to be thinking, or he just started thinking in a very obvious way.

He probably wants me to go his place, i can imagine all the things he would say but all he says is; "good idea love." Which somehow still makes me squirm in my seat, his voice got deeper and his smile turned into a small smirk, you almost wouldn't notice it unless you were starting, not that i was.

He starts the car and i look down at my handful of glitterpens, why did i take them with me? I love them and i need them yes, but why now, why not another day.
What is wrong with me, like they are so childish, what if he lost everything because of them, i really wanted something between us, not that i want it now...

"urg!" i exclaim, not supposed to be out loud but thats what my mouth decided, i wish i could control it.

"What's wrong love? Need anything?" He says it in the most concerning and loveable voice ever, so i guess he still cares? Or maybe he didn't stopped caring since he wanted me home with him.

I just lay my head back and mumble a small "nothin" and he shakes his head with a smile.

"whats so funny?"

"You're a teacher but you act more like the students sometimes, it is adorable," he keeps smiling and chuckling a bit.

i say nothing just keeping my mouth shut, blush creeping up on my face, he thinks I'm adorable!!

"We are here in a moment by the way. You got all your glitterpens?"

"Oh, yes, i will just put them in my bag so i don't loose them." Then i look down and realise i don't have a bag, i will have to hold them? Oh, no.

"Uh, never mind." I blush embarrassed.

"It's alright, just hold them and remember them when we leave again, yeah?" he turns into a small street filled with beautiful old houses, i love this neighbourhood, does he live here?

i just nod as a confirmation that i understand, and he smiles.

what is going on, my mind is all butterflies and bubbly water.  My stomach feels like a teddy bear and soft ice, it feels like everything is racing around me when i look at him, like the time moves faster and slower at the same time. Like everything freezes but burns up.

I'm very conflicted as to what this feeling is, i just need to understand, and i think i need to understand him first.

He stops the car and turns it off, i am still staring at him, not that he noticed yet, but the moment i turn away i feel like i have lost something.

This is all so confusing.

Short chapter i know, but i have started writing again, and i have an idea where this story is going.

i love y'all <3

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