9.In The Meantime

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Days went on, so our bonding. Its been a week since we came back from 'Hope world'. Of course we didn't miss the beautiful lake . We even went for boating in the lake and we returned. I had basket full of varieties of fruits. I kept few for myself and distributed the remaining fruits to Mrs. Park and Ga-Eun.

Tae had not yet got his returning order to go back to his camp. In the past few days we were having the best time of our life. Tae stayed with me the day we came back and we ordered some take outs and stayed all day in my Apartment. Evening we both got freshen up and went for a little walk. The evening wind felt soothing and we enjoyed our little walk.

During this whole week we went for few actual dates. We tried new dishes from few recently opened cuisine. And, we also visited other branches of Hobi's cafe. Where I tried varieties of coffee, Tae looked me with Awe struck face and also realized I'm a freak who enjoys coffee anytime of the day. It's just that I didn't get a chance to meet Hobi oppa in person.

Mrs. Park had her Nephew who was staying with her from few days. As he came back to our town in search of  Job. He was a Dance Major and he wanted to open his own Dance Academy.

It was weekend and Tae told me he would take me out for a movie and I was super excited and eagerly waiting for him. He arrived and we both went downstairs and moved towards his Car. We were about to get inside his car. Suddenly we heard some one say
"Hey, Taehyungaaa.. How are you? "
"Jiminaaa... " Tae shouted and the next moment I saw both of them hugging and smiling at each others.
"It's been so long. I heard that you joined Military Forces and I was shocked" Jimin said.
"Yeah.. How come you are here? " Tae asked him.
"I came in search of job" Jimin said.
"Oh!! You were the most wonderful dancer I ever met. I think you are in search of dancing Job then" .
"Actually, I want to open my own Dance Academy. " 
"Wow! I hope you open that soon. All the best Jiminaa.. " Tae said and asked "By the way, How come you are here? "
"I moved few days back and I stay with my imo who lives here" Jimin said as he points towards Mrs. Parks house.
"Oh! So you are that nephew of Mrs. Park"  I interrupted them.
"Yeah. And, you must be Jiya-shi" Jimin said with a smiling face.
"Oh! Eomma has already told you about me" I said as I smiled.
"Yeah. She did" Jimin said and added "Sorry I think you both were going some where" .
" Yeah. We were going out"
"Okay then. We'll meet again before you go back to your work" Jimin said.
"Yeah sure. We'll meet soon" Tae said and we both bid our byes to Jimin and went to enjoy our movie date.

Currently Tae was with Hobi and they were catching up with their graduation days.

Tae told Hobi that he met his friend Jimin.
"Park Jimin? Dance Major? " Hobi asks as he got startled.
"Yes. That Dancer" Tae says with a grin.
"What is he doing here? "
" He told he came in search of job and also said he wants to open a Dance academy "
"Wow! I hope he opens it soon" Hobi says with excitement.
"Oh! Why so interested"? Tae asks with curiosity.
"You know right, I was always into dancing and I wanted to be a professional dancer " Hobi said  "But, things changed and I ended up looking after my family business. "
"Hmm" Tae nodded.
"So, I don't want to give up on dancing and I could also join his academy" Hobi said.
"I get it. So, that you don't miss practicing your dance and you also get some one to correct you when you do little mistakes"
" You are right? We all need to catch up once" Hobi said
"Yeah I told him the same. He lives with Mrs. Park, Jiya's neighbor" Tae said.

Suddenly Hobi remembered about Me and he asks Tae

"Aah Jiya. What is going on between you two? "
Tae smiles at the question and says
"Nothing I guess. We both are just happy being together."

Hobi felt Tae is not at all serious about our relationship and got little offended.

"Whoa! So, you just want to be happy?" Hobi questions and says "If you just want to be happy, try something else. Don't just hang out with her and make it difficult for her once you are done with your happiness"
"Hyung what do you mean? " Tae asks Hobi as he got shocked by his statement.
"Then what you want me to say? Isn't it obvious that after few days you will go back to your camp and God knows when you will return home" Hobi says.
"Yeah. That is my job. What does it have to do with this? " Tae asks in confusion.

Hobi is already frustrated with Tae's reply for what is going on between us. His anger starts to build up and he doesn't know when he is going to explode.

"Tae. I thought you are serious about this. Whatever that is going on between you two"
"Hyung, you are seriously making me go crazy. I'm not getting what you are trying to tell. Spit it out" Tae says with distress.
"Fine, listen. I thought ,finally you are loving someone with all your heart and I was really impressed by the effort you put in order to get to know her" Hobi said and added "And, now you are saying you both are just happy being together. What does that mean?".
"Aah Hyung, calm down. It's not like what you are thinking. Never in my life I felt the need of someone as much as I need her" Tae said and continued "She is the one Hyung. Each and every cell in my body says that to me and I feel I'm the luckiest being on this earth whenever we are together. I'm just waiting for right time to propose her"

Hobi felt little relief after listening to Taehyung and mentally slapped himself for over reacting and he felt like apologizing to Tae.

"Sorry, Tae. I am really Sorry for judging you too fast. And Listen, there is no such thing as right time. The time you make your mind and propose her is the right time according to me. Don't make her wait."
"I'm really scared Hyung. I don't want to force anything on her just because I don't have much time to be with her for now. I really want her to accept me" Tae said.
"I understand it Tae. Hope everything goes well. Hope she accepts you" Hobi prayed more than him telling Tae.


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