21.Budding feelings

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"Why are you showing it to me? Pick it up and answer the call" Ga-eun said. Nevertheless she saw the caller's name and asked "Jiya it says 'My TaTa'. Who in the world has such a  weird name? "

"Am I dreaming Ga-eun? " I asked her and she was not having any of it and finally asked "Are you going to answer the call or what? That name is already weird enough and you are scaring me by not answering it". I couldn't control myself from rolling my eyes.

"Ga-eun Tae is calling" I told her being all excited. "Tae? As in Taehyung? You mean Captain. Taehyung? The one with whom you are in love with?"

I nodded my head feeling all shy.

"Omo! stop being so much mad in love. You better pick the call before he cuts it" She warned.

I had almost forgotten and excused myself to pick up the call. Now, it was her turn to roll her eyes and she mouthed 'Babo'.

I picked up the call and greeted Tae who also greeted back.
" How are you? Is everything alright there? It's been 5 days Taehyung. I was worried sick. " I said without letting him speak.

"Hey. I am doing good.  I have been transferred to different place and we don't usually get networks here. Only the main office has the network. We Soldiers have to come to the town to make any calls."

"You are the captain and you should get the privilege to call anyone at any time you want" I said as a matter of fact.

I heard him chuckle from the other end. "At the end of the day, I am a soldier too. You can't deny it" He said.

I felt proud of my boy and i can just imagine how much he is suffering there and he doesn't want me to know any hardships he is facing back there.

"How are you? Are you taking care of yourself? I wish I could be there with you right now" He said and I came out of my thoughts listening to his voice.

"Things are going well and even I wish you were here with me. So that, we could be all cuddly on the couch and watch our favorite TV show and have pizza for our dinner" I blurred it out.

He was just listening to what ever I was telling him . I felt content after a long time. I really miss him . Then, I remembered about something and I felt like telling him.

"Hey, I want to tell you something. Jimin's show date has been Finalized. It's going to be exactly in 60 days from today. I was hoping you could make it to the show" I said it with some hesitation.

I couldn't hear his voice from the other side and I felt like he was not there. But, then he suddenly came back and said " I should get going. I hope you get home safely and have your food."

Somewhere I expected him to say like 'I will try or I am not sure' But, I didn't get any reply from him, so I just nodded my head and said "You too take care of yourself I know duty comes first for you. But, you come first for me. So, be safe and healthy for me. I will be waiting for you everyday" I said and pecked my phone.

Tae got very emotional and said "About that couch. Even I want it and it feels so domestic. Let's manifest for that to happen" And I could hear a sound of a peck from the other side.

Then, we said our bye and I saw Ga-eun talking to Jimin all flustered. It was my first time seeing her like that with someone. And Jimin, he was looking all shy and happy.

I felt something sus about it and I didn't want to put them in an awkward situation. So, I quietly approached them and cleared my throat. They snapped out of their little (budding romantic) talk and turned towards me.

" You finished talking already? I thought you would take some more time " Ga-eun said being all nervous.

I saw her with suspicious look and turned towards Jimin to greet him. "I thought you would still be at the studio" I said.

"Today I need to talk with the sponsors and need to discuss the number of items we are going to do on our 'D-day'. About the time slots and other things. So, I was on my way to meet them and saw Ga-eun sitting alone on the bench" Jimin explained.

"Are you a police officer? Why are you interrogating him? Let's go home. We have an important day at the school tomorrow" Ga-eun said and then all three of us started to walk towards our destination. And, I could see that Ga-eun and Jimin exchanged some hand gestures being all shy and flustered.

I couldn't stop myself so without any further wait I asked Ga-eun. "Am I missing something? You are not your usually self. When did you start being shy and flustered in front of a guy? "

"I am being my normal self" She said without seeing my eyes. With a stern voice I said "look at me" She hesitated at first but she had no other choice and she looked at me.

"Ga-eun, is there something going between you and Jimin?" I could see her getting nervous and her ears started turn red.

A few seconds passed and now she was not looking at me as she found the grass on which she was standing is more interesting.

"Ga-eun, I asked you something" I said again. I didn't get any reply from her . I really got angry and I was about to take the groceries which was kept on the beach to walk away from there.

Suddenly, I felt a hand tugging my sweater's sleeves and saw it was Ga-eun. Whoes eyes have become teary.

"Ji-ya-aa, what should I do now?" Ga-eun started to cry. I don't know what got into her as she sat on the bench and crying her heart out. I never saw her like this. She was always cute and confident in what ever she did. But, she never once cried like a baby.

I got so worried and croached down and held her hand. I whispered nothing but sweet words to her and then after few minutes I could listen to the soft sniffles.

She asked me to sit next to her and started to elaborate why she was crying "Ji- ya I have feelings for Jimin. He always came here during his holidays to visit his aunt. And, since I was a teenage girl I started to admire him. He was good at dancing since he was kid. He and his friends used to always dance in the open stage of our area. Slowly my admiration turned into something more. I started to like him as a man.(a term used to say that she started to like him in a romantic way). Then one day I went to talk to him as I wanted to confess my feelings to him. When I did he said he didn't have any romantic feelings for me. I was devastated and then I got to know he was  going to fulfill his military service. It took me a long time to accept it. Then when he came back from the military, he started to talk to me as a friend and I could notice some changes in him. Trust me, I kept my feelings aside and started to treat him as my friend. " I nodded and encouraged her to continue. "It's been a month and he said he has feelings for me and he wants me to give him a chance to court me. " I was shocked when she said that. But, I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable and asked her to continue further. "Now, I don't know what to tell him and he also never forced me into anything. I kinda have mixed feelings about this whole courting. I don't know what to do. Truth to be told I never lost my feelings for him. I could never look at someone else like the way I saw Jimin. Help me Ji ya".

"All i say is just ask yourself. Do you really want to be with him? And, if your answer is you would do anything to be with him. Then, give it a chance. You won't miss anything. I know Jimin is a nice guy and he would be worth your time. And, I personally want you to give him a chance" I said.

Hello my fellow readers🌸

This is just a filler chapter. Next chapter would be about 'D-day' (obviously 😅)..

Any guess, about what would happen? 😉

Anyways, How are you all?

I am the laziest person in the whole world. I couldn't update anything till now. I write and I just keep it in bits. So, today I combined them and finally publishing the chapter.

Please vote💙, comment💛 and share💚


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