basic information

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Name: Daeva Middle name: Mel last name: Phoenix

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Name: Daeva
Middle name: Mel
last name: Phoenix.
Age: 24
Birth date:
26 december 1997
Gender: Female
Dutch, Spanish, French, English, Latin and Korean.
street and book smart, wise, confident, gentle yet rough with words, blunt.
Work: Detective
Family: Mother(unknown), Father (unknown), Step father/Papa (alive) and older brother/Peter(alive)

More information:

Daeva was dropped of on her step father porch when she was just a new born baby. With a open arms the man welcome the baby in his life and took care of her as his own blood.

At the age of 5 little Daeva heard soft knocking on the door outside stood a boy of the age 12 claiming to be her brother. He was in fact her brother when they took a blood test. He was asked by the step father where his parents was the boy only answer with he doesn't know so the man couldn't leave the young child in the cold so he let him stay. After for past few weeks  The man noticed that no one claimed the young boy as their child and so the man adopted the boy.

At the age of 8 young Daeva started to love solving crime scene. She loves to to watch crime scene and solve the mystery. Her brother and step father noticed that. Her older brother saw his sister interest and started to come with strange documents with crime scene and let Daeve solve them.

At age of 12 Daeve became more interested in the outside world and would countinly sneak out of the house and visited the crime scene at night where she hide behind tree to observe the police officer and detective and try to get some usefully tips and when all the cops are gone she would get closer to the crime scene and pick up hints. Unknown to her her brother was always watching over her and was always cleaning up her traces.

At age of 19 Daeva got her diploma, her degree. And started working as a detective and got her title of the Loyal Detective. Cause of her loyalty towards her work.

389 Words
First chapter: information, not much just some basic info but stay tuned for next chapter. Thank you for reading.

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