feeling enchanted

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I take a sip of my matcha and watch Cassidy's face light up.

"You went on a Ferris wheel ride with freaking Vinnie Hacker?!"

"Yeah... and stop saying it like I did something insane."

"Scarlett, this is insane. It's Vinnie we're talking about."

"Yeah but he's just a normal guy. It doesn't seem crazy to me."

"That's because you're out of the tiktok loop.....so how was it?" she asks with a smirk.

"He tried to kill me by rocking the seat......but other than that it was great." I could talk to him for hours.

"He's such a good person to talk to and his friends are awesome. He's gonna teach me how to skate."

"Oh my god that's so cute.... make sure to pretend you're really bad so he has to hold your hands!"

"I won't have to pretend," I laugh.

I take a bite of my chocolate chip pancakes. I saw him two days ago and already kinda miss him.

"Do you think it'd be weird if I asked him to hang out?"

"Not at all! Based on what you've told me there's no reason to be scared."

"I don't know though.... he told his friend he's busy this week. I don't know if its too awkward with just the two of us."

"You can still ask. And if he says he can't, you're still gonna see him for designing his merch."

"True....maybe I will." A smile creeps onto my face as I think about him.

"Girl I can see right through you."

"Okay okay....he's not ugly...actually far from it....I don't know." I shake my head.

"Yes!! Finally we're on the same page." She says as she pours more syrup onto her plate. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

Cassidy dropped me at home a few hours after we finished breakfast and I've been contemplating whether I should ask him ever since then. I remember what Cassidy said and decide to go for it.

Hey! Do u wanna hang out tonight?

I watch the text bubble appear and disappear multiple times. He's probably overthinking a nice way to reject me. 

sure! but I'm not gonna be too exciting to hang out with

 is it okay if we stay in?

Oh my god.. he said yes? I'm way to excited about this than I should be. He's really asking me, the girl who loves to watch rom coms alone every Friday night, if I want to stay in.

Of course! Why won't you be fun to hang out with hahaha?

I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night and have a long day of training 

I wonder what training he's talking about.

Ohh don't worry about it then...I'll see you on Thursday! 

You should probably rest

no....I want to hang out

How about I just come to your place then

you don't need to drive all the way here

I don't mind

okay....that's good with me!

the boy wearing pearls - vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now