worth it

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Vinnie's POV:

I hear my alarm go off and squint my eyes when I realize the lights are still on from streaming. I check my phone and it's 4:45 AM. Knowing that my boxing match is in a few weeks and I could potentially get absolutely destroyed in front of thousands of people is the only thing getting me up this early. 

The bright sun lights up the bathroom, and I'm immediately cold when the water hits my face. I finish brushing my teeth and throw on some joggers with a white tee. I glance at Hera, and she's still sound asleep. I pull up the covers and tuck her in, and then I head downstairs.

"You're up already? It's five o'clock," I say as I grab a coffee mug out of the cabinet.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep." Jett pushes his hair out of his face.

"Did you stay here last night?" I ask as I turn on the coffee machine.

"Yeah. I was gonna go up but I didn't wanna disturb you two."

"What?" I furrow my brows and turn to face him.

"You know....you and Scarlett."

"Jett, what? No!" My jaw drops with a scoff.

"What?" he questions. "It's a valid assumption. You two were canoodling all night in the backyard!" I close my eyes and visibly cringe.

"Jett, NO... just NO. Just stop talking right now." I put my hand out to stop him from saying more and shake my head with a smirk.

"So you're saying she's not in your bed right now?" He raises his eyebrows.

"WHA– NO!" I throw my hands up.

"Mkay..." He takes a bite of cereal and eyes me like I'm lying.
"Jett, when have I ever had a girl over," I ask.

"Never." He laughs.


"Well I thought it was different this time. You guys are all protective over each other."

"What do you mean by that?"
"Umm the hoodie? How do you explain that?"

"She was cold! What do you want me to do? Let her freeze? Wait, how do you kno– were you watching us?!" Jett laughs.

"No! Liza told me."

"F you Liza," I mutter under my breath.

"And Scarlett looked so offended when Michael was talking about you."

"Wait, what? What happened?"

"After you went upstairs, Michael was talking shit about you and how you lose your temper, and Scarlett got really angry. She stormed away from the table and said something like 'If you showed you cared about Vinnie's feelings, maybe he wouldn't be in a mood.' And then she went to see you." Warmth spreads throughout my chest.

"She actually said that?" I question in disbelief. She's always been kind to my face, but hearing how she acts behind my back is different.

"I swear. Dude, if Michael said one more thing, she definitely would've killed him."

I laugh, but my mind is still preoccupied. She cares about me that much?

"So, you're leaving soon?"

I snap out of a gaze. "Yeah, in a few minutes."

"So is there anything going on between you two?"

"Dude, I thought we changed the subject!"

"Why don't you want to talk about it? Usually you're open about this stuff."

"Because I know you and everyone else is gonna say to make a move, but I can't."

"So you have feelings for her?"

"Uh Yeah...what's not to like about her? Everything's good just as friends, and if we become more than that, it's gonna lead to heartbreak. It always does." I sip my coffee.

"She doesn't like me in that way. Besides, she's too good for me anyway." I shake my head.

"Vinnie, are you kidding?! She definitely feels the same way. And she's not too good for you, she's meant for you. She's the first girl that I actually trust out of all the ones who've been interested in you."

"I don't know Jett. When I let people in, it always ends with me getting hurt."

"I know, but maybe just give it a chance. If it's meant to be, it'll happen. I can tell she's not the type to use you."

"I know she isn't...... but people can change. I guess I'm just scared of getting hurt again. Or even worse, I'll end up hurting her."

"So you're not gonna tell her how you feel?"

"Uhhh no. That's a horrible idea......i'm fine being just friends....I don't know....I can't bring her into my world. She's gonna leave once the hate gets to her."

"If she's meant for you, she won't let that scare her away."

"I just don't want her to go through that, but there's nothing I can do about it." I look down. Don't get me wrong. I'm so grateful for the platform I have and the opportunities I've been given. I wouldn't live in this mansion or have met the friends that have become family. But it fucking sucks that I get no privacy when it comes to relationships.

"Let's say you did tell her how you felt and she felt the same way, and you ended up being more than friends. You'd get to spend every day with her, take her on cute little dates, wake up next to her, bring her home to meet your parents..." I bite my lip to stop myself from smiling. "Would all of that be worth the risk of maybe getting hurt in the end? Don't you think she's worth it?"


"Then I think you have your answer."

the boy wearing pearls - vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now