27: Three of us

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Just before Christmas we got our perfect gift.

But let me tell you. It wasn't easy, the end of everything. He was still pain in the ass, actually worse, I mean my husband. Jug loves me so much and usually I've embraced that and all the efforts he does because of it. I though Vee helped me to get trought with it for the rest of the pregnancy. I tried, I really tried, but shit it was hard. Oh my fucking god, how annoying he became weeks before the due date. It got so much worse.

I was feeling okay and I wasn't even panicing the birth or the waiting if it goes over due date. Mom already warned me it could go long since all of her kids enjoyed their time inside of her. Our kid, oh boy, was the same as the Cooper ones. But I wasn't uncomfortable, almost felt like I could go for a run still (I didn't, Jug would have locked me if I did), so it was okay.

Jug, on the other hand. He was feeling everything I wasn't and somehow thought he should help my situation. Which was wrong assumption since I didn't have any kind of situation. He was hovering more and asking more and worrying more. And when the contractions started, he was flying everywhere. I snapped him like thousand times during those weeks and on that final day. At some point I was worried if we would be married at the time our baby comes. But somehow Jug took it all and kept his head high.

But he is here now. Our baby.

After all that pain. First mental and then physical. After Jug's fucking annoying behavior and my snapping. There is no more that. No pain, no anger.

Just love. Happy tears. Relief. Smiling. Cooying. Baby talk.

We got our beautiful baby boy. Hudson Avery Jones. With his almost black hair and deep blue eyes he stole our hearts immidiately.

Everything went fine, so we got home two days after he was born. Just in time for Christmas. We agreed earlier that if this would be the schedule our baby would decide, we will enjoy our holidays just three of us. We will settle. So it is just us here entering to our home. We are gonna cuddle until next year. Then we can have visitors. So let us cuddle and get to know our Hudson.

. . . . .

I'm okay. She thinks so too. That I am okay guy. She loves me again and I think she loves the way I'm acting, most of the time. We are back to normal. Well new normal. We have a kid. It's so weird, he is so tiny and I'm constantly scared I'll break him somehow. But everyday it's getting easier and I'm not so afraid of changing his clothes. He is tough little guy. He is a Jones so of course he is.

"Jug! Why did you let me sleep two hours? They are here soon!" Betty yells from downstairs. I did that. Hudson slept too and when he woke, I changed him and gave some milk she had pumped earlier. We had some guy time and guy talks after that. "We were fine and you are fine. Just shower and come up then," my voice is calm, I'm the man in the house and I have it all in control.

You know, this first couple weeks haven't been the easiest ones and we didn't expected that either. Nights have been a fuss, he has woken up many times and sleep hasn't been our friend. I think we are doing fine but Betty is maybe little more unsure, like she is trying to be the best. And she is, I'm more than sure about that, but her hopes are so high. I don't know where, but she thinks she's not there and she could be better, always better. She is herself but she could give herself a little credit. She has been awesome and this is all new. And Hudson is doing well, he is an easygoing kid, if I could have an opinnion. He sleeps and eats and looks at the world around him. He is like her, very thoughtful and looking so serious like he is thinking every little thing he could see. I don't know how much couple weeks old guy could even see but he sees everything.

"Where is Huds? Are you okay?" she stands next to me suddenly, hair still wet, looking a very hot mama in her leggings and my old t-shirt. "How can you look so hot?" I blurt and am not answering her queastions. Earning a smack but also a kiss. "Dork," one more kiss. "When can I touch you, I want to touch you already," I just can't leave the subject. "Jughead Jones, keep it in your pants! You are impossible," she laughs but then her lips are almost brushing my ear. "After he has eaten tonight, there is some places I would like to feel your fingers. Or mouth," and after that she is on her way to kitchen and silent fuck escapes out of my mouth.

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