Chapter 1

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My alarm clock went off as I got out of bed. I walked around getting ready for school. My first day at Fairy Tail.
It seems like such a weird name for a school. I never understood why my parents sent me there.
I pulled my long red hair into my usual pony tail and put on some jeans and a t shirt.
Let me introduce myself.
My name is Alex Scarlet and I am 16 years old. (AN. I am making all the fairy tail characters 16 to suit my story, apart from the teachers.) I recently transferred from Sabertooth Academy to a new school that goes by the name Fairy Tail. It's a boarding school.
I don't know anyone there and honestly I'm really nervous that I won't make any friends and that I will be bullied. I never had that many friends in Sabertooth.

Time skip - At school

I took a deep breath and entered the giant school building. I was greeted by a very short HeadMaster.

"Hello, and welcome to Fairy Tail" he said, looking up at me, "you will be in class 11N."

"Thank you, sir," I half whispered.

Another teacher came up to me. She had long wavy blonde hair.

"I will escort you to your classroom." She said.

On the way there she said that her name was Mrs Mavis and that the head teacher was Mr M Dreyar, not to be confused with Mr L Dreyar, his son. I just walked next to her and smiled timidly.

I got to the classroom and the teacher, Miss Aquarius, introduced me to the class. She told me to go and sit next to a girl called Lisanna.

I liked Miss Aquarius. She was strict but nice, and seemed to be very fond if a student called Lucy Heartfilia.

"Hey." I heard next to me. I turned round and saw Lisanna smiling at me.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Alexandra Scarlet, but people call me Alex" I answered timidly.

"Hey you have the same surname as Erza" she said, giggling. I liked this girl. "Better not go near her. She's a monster!"

I frowned at that. A monster?

"There she is." Lisanna proceeded, pointing to a girl in jeans and t shirt, with long red hair, like mine, let out loosely, past her shoulders. I shuddered. She looked too much like me.

Suddenly the bell rang and everyone got out of their seats, running towards the exit, though a few people came up to me and started asking me questions.

I answered all of them, and then the people left. I packed up my stuff and looked at Erza who was sitting alone, not moving from her seat.

"Aren't you going to break?" I asked her.

She looked up at me in surprise, and calmly replied, "what's the point? There's no one to talk to."

"You can talk to me," I said, smiling.

"I suppose so." She replied, and got out of her seat, standing up and following me. She didn't smile at all. I wondered if I was getting on her nerves.

I got out a packet of seaweed with wasabi flavour and bit the crispy snack.

"Do you want one?" I asked, shoving the box towards her.

She took one and said, "Thanks."

"So." I said, "Why did Lisanna say you were a monster?" I asked, carefully.

"I can be a bit violent," she said. "I'm into martial arts."

"Oh my God!!! Really?? So am I!" I squealed  in excitement. "I'm black belt in nearly everything apart from tai kwan do, cuz I started that later."

Erza's POV

...cuz I started that later" the girl next to me proceeded to explain.

I have to admit, I already liked her, and I didn't even know her name.

"What's your name?" I asked suddenly and abruptly. I wasn't a very social person, so I had no idea how to ask the question. The girl didn't seem phased by my bluntness.

"Alexandra Scarlet, but call me Alex" she said, grinning.

"That's my surname too" I said to her smiling a little bit.

"I know! Isn't it cool?" She exclaimed.

"Yeah." I said, smiling again.

"What's your favourite subject?" She randomly asked.

"PE" I replied, automatically.

"Yay! Same here! I love PE!" She squealed. "I always beat everyone! Especially in rugby! Its so annoying that we dont get to do martial arts in PE! I would have loved that!"

Jeez this girl sure talks a lot. Then she pulled out a slice of strawberry cake from her lunch box, and a little fork. She carefully sliced the cake in half. I watched in envy as she seperated the halves.

"Here!" She said, handing me half the slice.

I looked at her astonished and took the half of the cake.

"That's my favourite dessert!" She declared, taking a bite out of her half.

"M-Mine too." I stuttered. This girl liked everything the same as me. She grinned at me and I smiled back. I have finally found a friend.

Alex's POV

I skippe up to my dormitory, thinking about my first day. I had no enemies so far. No one had made me loose my temper so I hadn't scared anyone. I got home and ran upstairs. I had to tell Nee-san this.

I got out my notebook and started writing "Dear Nee-san. Today I had my first day of school..."

My sister had disappeared when I was three. She had gotten lost and no one ever found her. We were twins. My parents remembered her name, but they wouldn't tell me it, so I always addressed her as Nee-san and nothing more.

"I'll write to you tomorrow, Nee-san. Sayonara" I finished, and enveloped the letter, marking it as number 1367.


I'm sorry this is so bad! Hope you're enjoying the story my little cookies! Will update soon!
- Alex (my nickname)

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