Chapter 2

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I woke up the next day, excited for another day of school. I just hoped no one would make me angry, though I knew that at some point, my anger would take me over like a sea of rage, and the students would be scared of me. It hurt my heart to know that.

I went downstairs to the canteen, where we were all having breakfast. I got into the queue and awaited my scrambled eggs and sausages. When I got them, I went to Erza and beamed at her, before taking my place next to the red haired girl. She smiled meekly back at me as she proceeded to eat her food.

"Hey! Alex!" I heard someone shout. I turned around and saw Lisanna walking towards me.

I smiled and waved back at her. She sat down next to me and gave a questioning glance at Erza. I shrugged, indicating that Erza was no monster to me.

Lisanna looked puzzled for a while, but then started eating her food. Soon a pink haired boy came over, closely followed by a blonde girl.

"Hey, you must be new" the blonde said, "I'm Lucy, and the little pig next to me is Natsu." She said, indicating the pink haired male who was devouring his food without even chewing.

I smiled at her, "I'm Alex."

"Nice to meet you, Alex" Natsu said, before proceeding to consume the scrambled eggs and sausages. I giggled at his childishness.

Another two people came over. A girl with blue curls and a raven haired guy. The girl was looking at the raven haired dude adoringly. The male didn't pay any attention to her. I smiled at the "love" scene.

"I'm Gray." The boy said.

"And this is Juvia." The girl said, indicating herself.

I smiled warmly at them and introduced myself. Jeez, there were so many people. I wondered if more would come.

My question was soon answered by a boy with long black hair and a girl with short blue hair, who came over to our table and introduced themselves as Gajeel and Levy. I sat there timidly, not talking to anyone, since the amount of people was so big.

"So Alex" Lucy caught my attention, "what school did you go to before?"

"I went to Sabertooth." I replied quietly, scared of the amount of people sitting around me.

"That's nice! Its not a boarding school, is it?" Asked Lucy.

"No." I smiled, "I prefer boarding schools."

"Really? But you don't get to see your parents!"

"My parents stopped paying attention to me when I was three." I shrugged.

"Do you have any siblings?" Lucy asked me.

"Well yeah, but I don't know them."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I had a sister, a twin. She disappeared when I was three. I never saw her again. I don't even know what her name was. My parents never told me it. Shes the reason they stopped paying attention to me. I looked like her too much apparently. I want to find her when I leave school. Then I will have someone who actually cares about me in my family."

"Wow." Said Erza suddenly, "I know what you feel like. I got lost in a giant croud, and I was separated from my twin sister and family when I was younger. I was then found by orphanage keepers, who took me in and it was horrible! Pure child labour! There were a couple of people whom I trusted, but most were evil. They laughed at me and hit me. It was awful. I escaped when I was 13 and joined this school through a scholarship since I didn't have money to pay for it.  No one payed attention to me here apart from a boy in our year who escaped with me. His name was Jellal. He always talked to me, but recently he left and hasn't come back. I don't know where he is, but I hope he's alright."

"Woah." Levy half whispered, "that's some deep past."

"Yeah." Erza smiled.

Suddenly, a piece of food went flying from another table over to ours and landed on my face. I turned around to see a blonde guy laughing at my facial expression.

I stood up and walked over to him. He thinks its funny? I'll make him laugh. I took him by the collar and punched him straight in the face before whispering menacingly, "don't you ever dare to do that again."

He meekly nodded at me, as I returned to my seat, fuming. My classmates started at me in horror. Great. I let my anger take over me, just great.


Konnichiwa my little cookies!
Thanks for reading my new update! I'll try and update as soon as possible, but no promises that I'll update tomorrow! See you later cookies!
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