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Nick goes outside while I put my suit on

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Nick goes outside while I put my suit on. I really hope that he isn't calling me for a mission, because I'm in no mental state to be doing anything other than smoking and sleeping. When I manage to sneak outside with my suit on, Fury and me sit on a boat, drifting along the torn up canal.

"Stark gave these to you." Nick says, handing me a glasses case.

"Really?" I ask, gulping.

"Open it."

I open the case slowly, revealing his signature EDITH glasses. I almost want to shove these back into Fury's hands and tell him that I'm not worthy. Because I'm not.

"Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown." Fury says. "Tony said you wouldn't get that because it wasn't a Star Wars reference." He chuckles.

We pull up to a cave looking place, and as we walk in, Fury tells me to take my mask off, since everyone's already seen me without it, so I do. I gasp at the fresh air intake and I hold my mask in my hands as I walk with Fury.

"This is Maria Hill." Fury points at a brown haired woman, glaring at me with no emotion. "This is Dimitri." He points at a black haired man who nods at me. "And this is Mr Beck."

Standing in front of me was the guy that helped me earlier on. He had a red cape and used magic, just like Dr Strange, but his head was covered in some sort of cloudy fishbowl. However, he wasn't wearing the helmet today, because I can see his face.

"Mysterio?" I ask.

"What?" Mr Beck blinks.

"Nothing, it's just what my girlfriend calls you." I play with my mask and Mr Beck smiles.

"Well, you can call me Quentin. You handled yourself well out there today, I saw what you did at the tower." He shakes my hand. "We could use someone like you on my world."

"Thank you." I nod and then squint my eyes at him when I realise what he's just said. "Your world?"

"Beck is from Earth, just not ours." Nick says.

"There are multiple realities, Peter. This is Earth 616, I'm from dimension 833." Beck explains.

"I'm sorry, you're saying there's a multiverse?" I ask. "I thought that was just theoretical. That completely changes how we see the initial singularity, we're talking about an eternal inflation system. How does that even work with all the quantum...it's insane." I look towards my left to see that Nick and Maria staring at me, unimpressed. "I'm sorry, it's just...really cool."

Jordyn usually likes it when I get a 'nerd-gasm' as she calls it. I didn't realise other people didn't appreciate it when I go off on a tangent.

"Don't ever apologise for being the smartest one in the room." Beck puts a hand on my shoulder, comforting me.

"Anyway," Maria rolls her eyes. "We're facing a battle with creatures from the primary elements known as the Elementals."

"Thank Mr Beck for killing the other three, now there's only one left. Fire." Nick says.

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