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Your POV

I ran. Because that's what you do when you wake up in a dark alleyway with absolutely no memories of your past. That's what you do when a huge, dark, looming shape is running after you, getting closer every minute. I knew one thing for certain, that I needed to get away from whatever was chasing me. I knew that, if it caught me, I was dead.

I had no idea why i was here. I didnt even know who i was. Nothing. My whole life was one continuous gap-fill. It was frustrating, knowing nothing. 

As I ran and my emerald eyes glinted in the dark, the wind whistling in my ears, flowing through my short, untamed black hair. I was getting tired, I couldn't keep this up much longer. I looked behind me. No one there. I slowed my run to a jog and turned the corner, hoping for somewhere to hide. 

It was a dead end.

 I started to head back the way I came when a deep, mocking voice, echoing all around me, said: "You didn't think it would be that easy now, did you?" 

A glowing blue circle appeared, and for a moment there was nothing inside it, just endless blackness. I tried to run, but the huge figure that had been chasing me stepped out of the dark and grabbed my arm. The blue circle shrank and disappeared, leaving no trace that it had ever existed. That didnt make sense...

"So," said the figure "you thought you could escape then! I have heard so much about the mighty y/n LokiDottir. About how her power surpasses even that of the allfather himself." He laughed "and this is what I find. A terrified 17-year-old. I'm disappointed, I expected better from you."

He sounded genuinely upset but I wasn't paying attention, because the figure had just said my name. I had a name! Y/n LokiDottir! But who was the allfather? Hadn't he also said something about power? What sort of power? Electrical? Political? All i knew was that i didnt feel very powerful at the moment. I didn't know where all these words were coming from, or what they meant! Then a word swam to the surface of my mind...


A memory!-  I saw a burst of golden light, and a figure at the centre, i didnt understand, but then it was gone. I tried to reach for it, tried to hold on, searching for anything that could help, but the memory slipped from my grasp and vanished into oblivion.

"...Can't have you working against me can I now?" The figure was saying. "I just have to kill you. But on the upside, I can test just how powerful the stones are."

 Kill me? He was going to kill me! I started thrashing around, but his grip was too strong. He laughed at my futile efforts to escape. He threw me into a wall. There was a sickening crack of bone breaking. The wall crumbled with the force he had thrown me with. I was covered in small scratches and there was a very deep cut running along my left thigh. I had broken my right wrist, my left arm and about three ribs.

'How am I alive? ' I thought. That throw should have killed me! Not that I was complaining, of course. Amazingly, I managed to get to my feet. I looked down at myself, expecting to see a bloody mess, but the cuts on my legs were closing up and healing even as I watched, radiating a beautiful, ethereal golden light.

 I put my hand on my wrist because some part of me, locked deep away, told me it was the right thing to do. My hand started to glow with the same golden light from the memory and the same light that was healing my legs. I heard my bones click back into place and watched in amazement as my body mended itself. I placed my hand on my broken arm and ribs in turn, and they healed painlessly. I looked down at myself. My whole body was encased in that beautiful golden light.

I started to rise off the floor, still glowing. The figure reached out to grab me, and, in doing so, he stepped into the light. I could see him clearly now. He was about 8 feet tall, and his skin was purple and lined, and he wore full body battle armour. In his right hand he held a massive, double bladed sword and a golden helmet.

The strangest thing about him, I noticed, was that on his left hand there was a massive glove, with 6 indents. Two were empty, but three were not, they held things that looked like stones. One blue, one orange, and one purple. They seemed to glow with a subtle light. I was confused. What were they? Then a word randomly swam to the surface of my mind...

Infinity Stones...

First chapter done! Hope you guys enjoyed, I'm not expecting many reads here so it would mean the world to me if you could comment. Maybe even vote?


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