The trick

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Thanos's POV

She was powerful, i had to admit that. But power, i had always thought, was nothing without experience or training.

From what i had heard though, she'd had plenty of training. Her father had trained her in hand-to-hand combat, using assorted weapons, and with her magic too. But she had no weapons in sight and i could sense her fear. Something was wrong, it was like she had forgotten who she was. 

Then i saw the logo on her shirt and paused. Hydra. Oh that sneaky bunch. They'd found her and taken her memories. Then when they'd realised that i – Thanos – was coming after her, they'd thrown her out on the streets. I almost felt sorry for her. Almost. Hydra was a problem I would have to deal with later, once I'd acquired all of the stones. 

Then, suddenly a gold light blinded me, and i shielded my eyes. It was the girl – y/n. She was glowing, all her cuts and bruises from when i'd thrown her were gone, and she was floating in the air. I had seen her father use something similar before, to protect, but for some reason this girl's magic was gold, instead of green, and almost 10 times as powerful. Then the golden light solidified, turning into some sort of force field. I stepped out from the shadows and reached for the girl. I saw her freeze in shock. I touched the golden force field and...

Your POV

Thanos flew backwards and crashed straight through the wall behind him. Tendrils of blue shot from the blue stone on his glove and swirled around him, protecting him from the worst of the damage.

I wondered what the stone was. It was obviously powerful, I didn't know how much so, but still i wondered about the full extent of it's power. Thanos got up "Well, you are an interesting one aren't you?" He walked towards me. I was still surrounded by my protective shield. I floated towards Thanos and let the shield drop. He didn't scare me anymore. The memories of magic were coming back to me, even though the rest of my past was still blank. I think that using my magic had unlocked the memories, and now I knew the full extent of my power, and how to use it, I wasn't afraid of Thanos. 

Those stones though, they unnerved me. They spoke to me, and the sheer amount if power they contained was unimaginable. I didn't know if I could take on one, let alone three? But i couldn't back down now. Couldn't show any fear. Thanos spoke again, getting slowly up from the opposite wall. "I know what happened to you, y/n. I know all about your past. Come here and I will tell you everything." I was surprised

"You know?" I asked.

"Everything." He replied

"Tell me."

"Come here, stand before me. This is not a trap. I am nothing if not a man of my word, and you have my word, that I will not harm you, until I have told you about your past. It's the least I can do, seeing as I'm going to kill you later." He said. It had to be a trap. He was going to tell me, then grab me, and I would die. I couldn't let that happen. Instead I created an illusion of myself, poured my magic into it, to make sure it was one of my best. I then hid myself from Thanos and moved the illusion towards him. Thanos reached out. It was working! He believed the trick!

"There we go, let me start with how you got here." Thanos said. He reached out to touch the illusion and I moved it away. "It's okay," he coaxed "just sit there and i'll tell you." The illusion sat. "Now," he said "lets start with how you got here..."

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