Iron man, seriously?

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Your POV

Invisibly, I sat and listened to Thanos talk. He explained that, three years ago, I was snatched by hydra, to use as a possible weapon against the avengers. Hydra knew that the only way to make me co-operate was to wipe my memory, so that's what they did.

I became an all out hydra agent, not knowing anything about my past. Thanos told me I was the best of them. "So how did I get here then?" The illusion asked "if I was the best?"

"Well," he replied softly "when they realized that I was coming for you, they knew it would be too dangerous to keep you with them, so they wiped your memory again, and threw you out here."

"But who is my dad?"

"Aaah well, your father used to work for me, but he failed and was taken back to his homeland and imprisoned."

"Who was he!?"

Then Thanos reached out to grab the illusion, and I made it disappear. I revealed myself to Thanos. Then something wizzed past my ear and flew straight into him. It looked like a red and yellow missile! Then the memories came flooding back to me. 

"Iron man." I said, rolling my eyes.

Iron man's POV

While Thanos struggled to get to his feet, I pulled down my mask and smiled at y/n. She gave me a death stare. Kids, huh? I'd only hit her once. Ok, I thought, maybe that's not really true, is it? I hit her because she'd scratched my suit. Come to think of it, that might have been capsicle, but I might have accidentally blamed it on her instead. Yeah, that's right. I was so dumb.

The wall crashed into me. Or I crashed into the wall. Either way it hurt. I couldn't move, couldn't get up. I flew straight back up, and over to where y/n was. Y/n stretched her hand out infront of her. Thanos's hand came down and hit the golden barrier that had spread form y/n's hand and he flew backwards into the wall. Again. You really think he'd have learnt by now not to mess with y/n. The girl lowered her hand, but the force field remained, creating an impenetrable dome over herself and I. Y/n's hands lit up with that same light and she placed them on my chest. Immediately, I felt all my cuts closing and my bones mending. I could move again. "Thanks for-"

She slapped me. Hard. On the face. "I didn't do it for you. I did it so I could hit you."

"Well thanks anyway girl." I said.

"I hate you." She said, and slapped me again.

"Hey, hey now, hands off the face." I said, pulling my mask down. She looked at me. Wisps of gold curled around her left hand. I just had time to say "uh oh." Before she punched me. I could feel it through the suit. I flew back into the edge of the dome and heard my suit break. "Damn, you really do hate me." I said

"Yes. With good reason."

"That's okay, most people do." I replied

"I don't know how Pepper can stand you!" She sighed. "You're so infuriating!"

"Sweetie that's what makes me so great."

"So arrogant, so self-centred!" She whispered.

"C'mon now, we both know that's not true."

"I can go on"

"Please don't."

"Okay fine!" She snapped. "We need to deal with Thanos first." He was approaching the shield with caution now. Y/n flicked her hand and he slammed into the ground.

"Good one!" I cheered

"Shut up or you're next." She glared at me.

"If I'm gonna fight this guy I think I need my suit fixed." I said

"That shouldn't be a problem."said y/n. "You wont be fighting, I'm not letting you mess this up."

"What if you need help?"

"Then you can fly down from the top of that building and slam into him again."

"I'm not going to leave you." I said. She waved her hand and suddenly I was standing on the roof of a block of flats. I tried to fly down to help y/n but as soon as I tried to jump I realised that my suit had been disabled. I heard y/n's voice in my head. 'Stay there, or it wont end well for you.' 


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