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Iron man's POV

"Friday, call Steve. Tell him to get his lazy backside over here right now!" I said into my suit. "Oh, and tell him to bring Barton and Romanoff with him. We need help!"

'Right away Mr stark.' She replied. I went back to kneeling by y/n's side, and wiping her forehead with a cloth Loki had "borrowed" from a nearby house.

I few minutes later I saw the quinjet hovering above me. It descended and landed a few meters away. The doors opened and Natasha, Clint and Steve ran out, Natasha carrying a first aid kit. They all rushed over but stopped abruptly when they saw Loki.

"What's he doing here, I thought he was locked up in a cell on Asgard!" Said a confused Natasha. Clint grabbed his sword and threw Steve his shield.

"Guys, chill." I said "he's supposed to be here, we have him under control."

"I beg your pardon! Under control! I think not! You don't control me!-" Loki began, but I interrupted.

"If you want y/n to come out alive, you stay under control."

"You dare threaten me! If you insignificant mortals had done your job and stopped Thanos, none of this would have ever happened." He replied

"Woah!" Thor warned "nobody needs to get hurt here, we are all trying to save y/n." That seemed to calm Loki down. I looked back at y/n's unconscious form and started.

"Guys, I don't want to worry you or anything-" I said, "but she doesn't look to good here. What's happening with her skin?" There was a patchwork of what looked like glowing, blue veins spreading underneath her skin.

"Oh no." Loki said, "oh no no no."

"What?!" Everybody said at the same time.

"The stone has taken hold, there's no getting it out without killing her."

"So what are we gonna do?" Asked Clint.

"We cant do anything, we need to let her rest. Any interference at this stage will kill y/n." Loki replied.

"She will make it, she is strong." Reassured Thor, patting Loki on the back.

"Brother I hope you're right." Loki said, "i couldn't bear to lose her again."

Wanda's POV

I was sitting in my favourite place in the Avengers tower with Vision when they brought her. They carried her into the room on a stretcher. I stayed sitting, but Vision got up and ran over.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Thanos." Replied Natasha. I looked over at the mention of Thanos. The girl looked strange, she had glowing blue veins that looked to be spreading from her chest. I got up and walked slowly over. I waved my hand over her head and nearly fainted. Vision caught me before I could hit the floor.

"Her power." Was all I could manage.

"Yeah," said Tony, "we got the same reaction from Loki." They all looked worried.

"What is it?" I asked

"She somehow managed to absorb the power of the space stone."

"How? Touching a stone nearly killed me, how did she survive?" I asked

"Wanda, I mean you no disrespect when I say this but y/n was a lot more powerful than you, she was more powerful than my father." Said Thor. "And now she has an infinity stone inside her and we cant get it out."

"What Thor is trying to say is that we want your help." Said cap. "She has unstable powers and you are the only person who has been through anything similar. Please help y/n."

"We will also need your help trying to get her out of this coma, is there anything you could do?" Asked Clint. Somehow I knew.

" not at this stage, I could kill her, but if her body accepts the space stone then I could be of assistance in waking her." I said

"But will it accept the stone?" Asked tony.

"I have no way of knowing." I replied, "if you would leave her with me so that I can monitor her condition that would be great."

"Anything I can do to help then please, just ask." Said Thor, "I have no wish to see my brother in pain if she is lost."

When they left me alone I had a chance to see the girl properly. She was beautiful, her ebony hair was short, and ruffled, spread out on the stretcher, framing her pale skin. She looked almost angelic. She was slim and dressed in a black bodysuit that complemented her features perfectly. Her arms and legs were long, and her hands felt smooth when I grasped them. I flooded her mind with happy memories and tried to calm her. It was a surprise when a soft voice sounded in my head. 'Hello?'

'Hello' i said back 'are you y/n?'

'Yes' she replied 'who are you?'

'My name is Wanda Maximoff, I'm here to help you get out of this coma.'

'Oh. Thanks. What happened?' so I told her everything that the others had told me.

'How are we going to wake me up?' she said

'I need you to keep fighting to accept the stone, give it everything you have, otherwise you wont make it.' I said

'How?' she replied

'Every day I am going to come here and help you wake up, but first you need to try and make your body accept the power of the stone."

'Ok' she said 'ill try.

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