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I stared into the mirror, messing with my soft brown curls and wiggling around my septum with my nose.


I examined my light high waisted jean shorts, 'Come As You are' plaid flannel, and lace up high top boots. Just another one of my everyday carefree outfits. I grabbed my floral backpack while turning off the Lana Del Rey record that was playing on the Crosley record player I got for my fifth birthday. I wasn't your average five year old that wanted a baby doll or dress up clothes. I wanted a record player, platform shoes, and the perfect grunge boyfriend.

I started walking to school around eight o'clock and got there at eight fifteen. I only had two girlfriends in the whole entire world. Nelli Renolds, who was a seventeen year old Senior, and Irene Watson, who was a eighteen year old Senior. I always met the two in the school bathrooms that were for employee's only, but we knew we weren't the only students who used them.

I walked through the half filled halls. First period didn't start till nine, but we always liked to hang out before the horrific siren goes off, which is also known as a school bell. I whiffed in the smell of cigarettes while finally getting to the bathrooms, just like always.

"Finally the queen bee has arrived."

I walked in, seeing Irene crisscrossed on the sinks and Nelli on the dirty tiled floor.

"Thanks, but I think we all know you're the queen bee, Irene," I smirked. "Pass me a ciggie."

I sat up next to her while she pulled out the white box, letting me pick one out.

"So what are your guy's schedules?" Nelli asked, smoking her hookah pen.

"Does it matter?" Irene laughed. "This is the number one most pathetic school in the state of California, which may be shut down next year if it keeps going like it is."

"So what... are you going to drop out?" I asked, pulling out my lighter.

"No... I'm just not going to try. I'm not going to pull an Evan and just randomly drop out."

I stopped mid way of resting the cig on my lip, not believing what she said.

"Irene..." Nelli sighed.

"I know, I know. I'm a bitch. I'm sorry Arden, I didn't mean it."

"It's fine," I sighed, determined to change the subject. "I have Algebra two, Lab Bio, Digital Arts, Health, Then Calculus."

"I'm Pre-Algebra, Calculus, Aid, Health, and then a free period." Nelli said.

"And I got English honors, Physical Science, free period, Health, then Digital Arts."

"At least we all have Health together which is right after lunch." I nodded while blowing out smoke.

"Yeah, that's cool." Irene put her cig in the sink and turned on the water. "We should go look for the guys."

And by the guys, she meant Bruno Sanders and Matthias McLaws. Matthias and Bruno were our very best friends and always had our backs when it came to the other cliques messing with us.

Yes, our school had cliques. And if you didn't belong to one, you were eaten alive. Some of the people in our school called us punk, others called us emo, we called ourselves, The Rejects.

"Leggo." Nelli hopped up, letting her bleach blonde waves flow to the top of her butt.

We all came out of the bathroom, not caring if any teachers saw us, and began to walk down the various hallways of Friedrich Von Schiller High School. And right when we turned down our third hallway, our never ending chain or 'good luck' just kept on going since the most mean, and bitchiest people in the school were coming straight for us. Let's just say that not many of the cliques got along. But my friends and I had a special rivalry with these ones in particular.

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