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"Where's Irene?" Matthias asked.

Irene never showed up to second period

"I don't know," I shrugged while Josh slipped his hand into the embrace of mine. "Arden went looking for her."

Speaking of the devil, the short girl was seen running towards us with a terrified look on her face.

"Irene went with Bruno to the hospital right before first period. The ambulance came and took them." She gasped for air from running.

"What the hell!" Matthias yelled. "How are we just now finding out?"

"I don't know, but let's just go to the hospital. I'll drive us." She turned and headed to the school parking lot.

I followed them while still holding Josh's hand, but he was then taken out of my grip.

"He can't go anywhere with you right now." Brian said while I turned to them.

I looked at Josh, seeing the mixed thoughts within his confused facial expression.

"This is more important." I went to grab his hand again, but this time he moved it out of the way himself.

"He... He's right. I have to get ready for the Academic Decathlon today. I've been slacking a lot and today is the only day I have to really study for it."

I watched a smirk grow on Brian's face and I didn't know how to take it. Was he gay for Josh or something? I mean, damn!

"Oh," I smiled sarcastically. "That's fine."

"I'll call you later though." He went to hold my shoulder but I began to back up.

"Don't bother." I sighed while and quickly running out to Arden's truck, hopping in the passenger seat.

"Where's Josh?" She asked.

"He's too busy to come. But whatever, let's go."

Matthias rubbed my shoulder from the back seat, that meant that everything was going to be okay. When we got to the hospital, they said we couldn't see Bruno since we were in the ICU, but Irene was allowed since she's the one who admitted him. She came out a few minutes after we got there.

"What happened?" I asked while hugging her tightly.

"I found him throwing up blood in the hallway this morning. The doctors said there's something wrong with him, something that's been going on for a long time but he hasn't been telling us what it is," She explained. "He still won't tell me, but I have a feeling it's cancer."

"Oh god." Arden covered her mouth while Matthias hugged her.

"Miss Irene, He'd like to see you again." A nurse suddenly came around the corner and tapped Irene on the shoulder.

She sighed slightly and followed the nurse back into the main ICU.

"Fuck." Matthias sighed and fell into a chair.

"Maybe it isn't cancer," I tried to lighten the mood. "Hopefully."

The three of us sat there for about forty five minutes before Irene came back to the lobby, face soaked with tears and hands shaking from fear, I could tell.

"What is it?" Arden asked.

"Cancer," She croaked. "Pancreatic cancer."

I stayed silent, letting the hot tears fall down my face.

"He starts chemo twice a week, and should be released in a few days. But... not-" She started to cry even harder. "Not many people survive this type of cancer... the doctor said."

Why wouldn't Bruno tell us this? I understood that he didn't want to worry us, or maybe he didn't want us to treat him differently? That poor boy.

Our poor boy.

"We can't lose hope." Matthias suddenly puffed his chest. "We'll be here for him, every step of the way."

Arden nodded and hugged Irene, as did I.

"You guys should go home, get some rest," She wiped her tears. "I'm going to stay until they find his parents. He'll be fine for now."

"Are you sure?" I asked. "Tell him we love him."

She nodded, and turned towards the ICU doors again.

"I'll call you guys later."

We nodded and slowly exited the lobby, going back to Arden's truck in the parking lot. The drive to Matthias's house to drop him off was silent, as well as the drive to drop me off.

"Do you want me to hang out for awhile?" Arden asked while I hopped out.

"Nah. Thanks... but I'm going to try and see if Josh can hang out. I need to talk to him. I want to say that him not coming isn't that big of a deal. But it is a big deal to me."

"It would be a big deal to me too, and you have every right to be upset about it. I'd just talk to him. Tell him how you feel. Oh, and don't forget to mention that Brian needs to back up a bit. He's getting annoying."

"Thanks, Arden." I giggled.

"Of course. Call me later and tell me what happens."

I nodded and closed the door, trudging into my empty house. The first thing I wanted to do was call Josh, but I found myself in my living room watching The Fault In Our Stars. I don't know why I'd do such a thing, especially after the news I had just found out.

I was at the part where the main characters, Augustus Waters and Hazel Grace Lancaster, were at the gas station and Augustus was really sick, throwing up blood from his cancer. I cried so hard and was in such a deep thought of sadness that I flinched when someone rang my doorbell. I wiped my tears and headed to the front door, expecting it to be Arden or Irene. But it was Josh.

"Babe," He tried to grab my face, but I dodged his touch. "I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you."

I turned and walked back into the house, going to the kitchen and resting my head on the wall. I heard Josh's footsteps come into the kitchen and felt hands find their way onto my waist.

"Fuck..." I cried while he turned me around and made me fall into his embrace.

"I know, I know, I know," He kept repeating into my neck. "I'm so sorry, Nelli."

I cried into him for awhile, until he picked me up and carried me into the living room, laying me on the couch and kissing my nose.

"Tell me everything," He said while holding my hands. "I'm here to listen, one hundred percent, okay? Screw Brian. He's being a big jerk anyways. I will never leave you when you need me again. I promise on your life, Nelli."

I didn't know what it was, probably his smile. Or his eyes, or even just the way he would hold me. It all made wave of forgiveness and love came over my heart while I stared into those gorgeous eyes. I then nodded and began to tell him about what had happened.

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