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The pounding in my head was too much to handle. I internally whimpered and tried to open my eyes, but it was still all a blur. I saw my bare feet sitting down in front of me, and my homecoming dress was half way off my body. I slowly sat up, looking down and seeing a bottle of tequila still in my hand. What the hell happened last night? I had no memory, at the moment, of even leaving the dance. Were we still at the school? I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I definitely wasn't still at the school since I was sitting in a bathtub of a very fancy bathroom, a bathroom in which I have never even seen before.

"Hello?" I called.

I immediately regretted speaking since my throat burned like hell. I got up and stumbled to the door quickly, suddenly scared since I had no idea where I was or how I got here.

"Hello!" I forced myself to scream while running down the various hallways.

I eventually found myself in what looked like the living room. A girl and a boy were on top of each other on the couch, half naked.

"What the..."

"Hey, sleeping beauty... or should I say drunken beauty?"

I turned and saw Arden skipping past me, clearly not as hung over as I was. She was also still in her homecoming dress. I didn't respond to her greeting, though. I just looked at her with my 'what the actual fuck happened last night' face.

"Come to the kitchen." She sighed.

I followed her and sat at the highly decorated dining table that was surrounded with gold plates and silverware.

"First things first," She laid a plate of scrambled eggs and a glass of orange juice in front of me. "Best foods to cure a hangover."

She then sat across from me, taking a sip from a blue mug she had.

"You're probably wondering why you woke up in Brian Clarey's house huh?"

"Brian?" I took a bite of eggs. "You mean Josh's friend?"

She nodded.

"After Piper and Carla dumped their drinks all over us, Josh thought it would be a good idea to leave and go hang out at Brian's house."

"Oh? Well... that doesn't explain much. You said Brian and his friends were jerks when Josh introduced them to Nelli." I said after taking a sip of orange juice.

"I'm not finished. Even though it looked like Brian, Jinx, and Priscilla didn't like us very much, we still came to the house and started hanging out, having a few drinks ahd what not. I don't remember much after that. I just remember you and Brian disappearing into a room and Nelli and Josh going into another. Matthias went home and I lost Ray at homecoming."

"What?! Did you just say Brian and I went into a room together? I've never even spoke a word to the kid before!"

"You guys were getting along while drunk... and it looks like you guys got it on, if you know what I mean." She looked me up and down while getting up from the table.

"I think I'm going to throw up..." I whispered while scooting in my chair.

"Go let it out," She laughed again. "In the meantime, on the couch over there is Priscilla and some guy that showed up by the way. I don't know where Brian and Jinx are, Josh and Nelli went back to her house, and I'm going to go find Ray since he isn't answering any of my texts or calls."

"What about me? You can't just leave me here." I said while putting my plate and cup in the sink. "Where's Matthias?"

"Home. I'm walking to the bus stop if you want to come."

The Rejects.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang