Chapter 1

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- Y/n: Your name
- F/n: Friend's name

Y/n pov

???: Young man! I'm very sorry about what I have done to you!!

Y/n: Huh?

I watch as an old man with a very long white beard kneels and bows his head to the ground in front of me. I'm confused as I'm not inside my house anymore. Around is nothing but clouds and the furniture arounds seems made out of 'em. The only thing I remember, was I playing league of legends before me and my team flames each other and I got struck by lightning out of nowhere.

Y/n: W-what's going on? Where am I?

The old man stands up and I could see his face. He is like one of those old people who are very nice, but also could be terrifying if you decide to make them angry. His skin is alabaster, his eyes are silver, and his hair is pure white. He is wearing what seems like a robe that is made from a high quality that could make the world's most famous tailors look like children trying to play dress-up.

???: Now, I'm sure you are wondering where you are at the moment. But let me ask you a question. Do you still remember what happened to you?

Y/n: Well....


3rd person pov

After a very busy day at school, Y/n immediently goes back home and once he's home, he goes straight for the PC and turns it on without bothering to change his clothes. The PC goes on with a K/DA home screen and in the middle is the league of legends client.

He opens the client and logs into his account and his friend is already waiting for him.

Y/n's phone vibrates where he opens a text from his friend.

F/n: Why are you late!?

Y/n: School was holding me hostage.

F/n: Whatever. Let's play so I could escape this Platinum hell hole!

Y/n chuckles before inviting his friend to play ranked match with. It takes 5 minutes to find a que and Y/n got autofilled as a jungler while his friend as an ADC.

Y/n: Why do I always gets autofilled jungler? Not that I'm complaining but it's so weird.

He sigh and begin the banning phase. Y/n's team bans Irelia, Riven, and Teemo while the enemy team bans Kayn, Kayle, and Zed. With the banning is over, it's time for the picks and Y/n immediently locks in Kha'zix followed by F/n picking Lucian. The mid picks Yasuo, the support picks Thresh, and finally the Baron lane picks Garen.

Meanwhile, the enemy team picks Pantheon for jungler, Galio for mid, Darius for Baron lane, Kai'sa for ADC, and Rakan for support.

Y/n: I hope my team is not brain dead.

-Flashback Ends-

Y/n pov

Y/n: They're all brain deads! It's not even 5 minutes and the player whose playing Yasuo already got 8 deaths!

???: Um... I don't think I understand what you are saying.

Y/n: Sigh... To make it short, me and my team mates are raging with one another during a game, after we're done, I got struck by lightning bolt even tho I'm inside my house.

After I told the old man what I experienced, I reliazed something.

Y/n: Wait a second. Doesn't that meant I'm dead?! Am I heaven?!

Then I look at the old man again.

Y/n: Are you... God?!

God: Indeed I am. I am very sorry about that lightning bolt, my child. It was reckless of me for my job as a god...

I fall onto my knees and holding my head as I'm still trying to process what just happened to me.

This can't be happening. I'm too young to die. No! It is not my time just yet! Why?! Why me?! I haven't even get a job! Nor make my parents proud! I haven't even reach challenger tier! It's so unfair!

God: But do not worry. I could send you back to life.

Y/n: Huh?!

Immediently I stand up onto my feet and look him in the eyes.

Y/n: You can do that?! Then send me back right now! Please...

God: Indeed I could. But unfortunately, I can't send you back to your previous world.

I'm about to argue untik he cuts me off.

God: That's because your entire body in the previous world has pretty much turn into ashes the moment my lightning bolt hits you. If I try forcing it, it will only puts your soul into a purgatory. So... What's it gonna be? You could stay in heaven or Reincarnate to another world?

I think about it for a moment. Do I want to spent my new life in heaven or I could reincarnate and go to another world. If I stay in heaven, I might live a peaceful but boring life. If I decide to go with the other option, I'll live a life with a lots of troubles. Ahh screw it! I'll go with the second option.

Y/n: Second option.

God: Very well. And since I felt really horrible after I smote you, you could choose what kind of body do you want for the new world.

Hmm... I could really go for like a Yasuo body or perhaps Irelia if I decides to change gender, plus both champions are super cancer.

Y/n: I can't decide between 2 bodies I want.

God: It's fine. I could randomize them during your reincarnation. Pick one more body please.

Y/n: Kha'zix

God: Alright! I wish you good luck in the new world!

He then flick his fingers and a bright light comes blinding me. And when I open my eyes, I'm no longer in heaven but in a jungle that I do not reconize.

I have a new body now aswell. Oh man! I hope it's Yasuo or perhaps the beautiful Irelia. I go to a nearby pudle that's just so happen to be near me. I got closer and close my eyes before slowly opening them up.

Y/n: Yasuo! Irelia! Yasuo! Irelia! Yasuo! Irelia- and I'm goddamm Kha'zix! Grahhh!!! Even in a new life I got autofilled as a jungler!!

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