Chapter 2

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Diana scanned the room, analysing which people would be willing to go on a night out. There was no way she was going home at 10 pm. Everyone seemed to be on their best behaviour and she was bored already. 

"Carlos, primo, do you want to go for a drink somewhere else?" Diana asked linking arms with him. 

"Don't you have to wake up early?" He asked her. Carlos was always very protective of her. 

Charles was now approaching them after being outside for a while on what seemed like an important phone call.

"Trouble?" Carlos enquired his teammate and he shook his head. 

"Charles, do you want to go out for a drink?" Diana wasn't one to beat around the bush.

"Just the two of us?" Charles stuttered a bit and his eyes grew bigger.

"No, I asked Carlos and will ask around as well. But if you want, I'll ditch Carlos..." Diana said with a wink. 

"Ay ay ay..." Carlos muttered in disapproval. 

"I'm not sure I can go. My girlfriend is waiting for me." Charles said with a coy smile. Diana thought she would totally eat him alive, but she was so tempted to tease him. 

"It's just an innocent drink. Come on, I haven't been with Carlos for such a long time now!" She wasn't even feeling guilty for using Carlos on her little game. "Besides, Isa doesn't care if Carlos goes out with me!" 

"That's because she knows you're like my little sister!"

"But we're not blood-related, so anything could happen and she's still cool. Please, guys, let's go!!" Diana was good at persuading. 

"Fine! We'll go, but nothing too crazy. Are you in?" Carlos asked turning to Charles. 

"Yeah, it should be fun. There's a nice bar down the road from here." 

"Are you going to ask your colleagues or not to join us?" 

"Not really!" Diana said as she grabbed her bag from the chair and adjusted the strap across her chest before quickly making her way towards the exit. Carlos chuckled behind her. 


A couple of the engineer trainees joined them once they noticed the trio was leaving. One of them looked very Italian and very much like Diana's type: tall, dark eyes and hair, tanned and muscular. She took some mental measurements but her focus was on Charles. She needed to find a way to get to him. 

"Are you and Carlos related?" One of the guys approached Diana. 

"No." She responded dryly as she was trying to eavesdrop on what Charles was saying on the phone. Her French was rusty, but she could still understand some of it. She looked at the guy who had asked about Carlos, still waiting for an answer. 

"We've known each other since we were kids..." Diana explained and suddenly she had everyone's attention. Little did they know that was all she was going to say regarding that subject. 

It was a warm night and there was barely a breeze outside. The path to the club was barely litten, but she could still notice the way Charles seemed worried.

"Did your girlfriend give you hell?" She was now walking next to him.

"Non, non... I asked if she wanted to come with us but she was already in bed." 

"Fucking boring..." 

"DIANA!" Carlos, who was obviously listening in, scolded her. She shrugged her shoulders. 

Diana found that most people were oversensitive and it annoyed her deeply that she couldn't be brutally honest all the time because it would hurt people's feelings. She was educated that honesty was the policy and one shouldn't be afraid to express their opinions freely, however that didn't seem to be the case.

"Tell your girlfriend not to worry. I don't leave a mark where I bite." Diana gave him a smirk and kept on walking ahead of him. 

Charles watched Diana walk in front of him. He couldn't deny that she was gorgeous and he noticed she was nearly as tall as he was, but he was in a loving relationship and didn't want to risk that. He heard Carlos clearing his throat and turned his head to him, realizing he had been staring at Diana's ass the whole time. He was definitely an ass guy and hers looked perfect even under bad lighting.

After a 10 minute walk, they arrived at the club which was empty. It was a Tuesday after all. Diana order 6 Fireball shots from the bar and handed a shot glass to each of the guys. She figured she could never go wrong with that selection of alcohol. 

The guys were taking selfies with Carlos and Charles when Diana asked the bartender if she could pop in behind the bar and do her cool party trick. It was amazing that men would be willing to risk their jobs to allow a beautiful woman to do whatever she fancied. 

"Can I have a lighter?" Diana asked as she prepared B-52s for the group. She finally poured the overproof rum and ignited the drinks. She high fived the bartender and joined the rest of the guys by the bar counter.

"Bottoms down everyone!"   

"You're gonna be the death of me..." Carlos complained.

"Shut up and drink!" 

She noticed Charles was loosening up however she saw him stumbling outside, looking at his phone. She rolled her eyes. Probably the girlfriend again trying to control him. She followed him through the back door that led to a small smoking area. He turned around surprised when he sensed there was someone behind him. He placed his phone quickly back in his pocket.

"Are you having fun?" Charles asked trying to be polite.

"I could be doing much more fun things if you'd let me..." Diana said inching closer to him. 

"I'm sure that's just the alcohol. I'm not that fun!" He smiled at her but deep down he enjoyed the attention. 

Pressure, by Martin Garrix, started playing inside. That song always made Diana feel empowered. 

"Give me silence, silence
I just need your touch
Know your violence, violence
Hides on the tip of your tongue
In the darkness, darkness
We go on and on
Always under pressure"

Diana mouthed the words to the song as she leaned in towards Charles. His eyes were wide open observing her body move. She wanted him to touch her so badly. As the song progressed she placed her arms around his neck and looked deep into his eyes. She licked her lips and then bit her bottom lip seductively. She moved one hand down his arm, stroking his bicep. Diana could feel his erection building and his hand lightly touched her waist and then moved down to her bottom. He suddenly stepped back. 

"We can't do this, you're very beautiful but I have a girlfriend." 

"Fine!" Diana said with an annoyed tone throwing her hands up in the air. She wasn't used to be rejected, but now she was horny and wanted some action. 

She stormed inside and went looking for the hot Italian engineer. Diana knew he had been checking her out all night long. 

"Your turn Fabio, let's go." She said as she took him by the hand and led him to the nearest toilet.

Always Under Pressure - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now