Chapter 3

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It was finally race week and Diana was looking forward to a little bit more action than sitting around in a room, watching old guys mansplaining terms to her that she already knew. She was the only woman, but she wasn't scared by that. It made her want it even more and prove to them she wasn't only a pretty face.

Part of her trainee scheme meant she would have to also accompany the race engineers during a few races. Much to Diana's happiness, she was allocated to Charles Leclerc's race engineer, Xavier. The next part would be to follow around the team's Head Strategist.

As Diana scanned her pass, she noticed Charles coming into the circuit holding hands with a girl. They hadn't seen each other ever since the night at the club. She waited for them by the entry as she wanted to tell him the news.

"Hi, Charles!" Diana said completely ignoring the woman next to him.

"Hello Diana, how are you settling in?" Charles asked, being always a perfect gentleman which annoyed and excited Diana at the same time.

"It's fine. Guess who will be whispering in your ear very soon?" Diana asked as she twirled her hair that was up in a high ponytail.

"Err... what?" Charles asked visibly nervous and somewhat confused.

They heard Charles's girlfriend clear her throat.

"Oh yes, Diana, this is my girlfriend, Charlene."

Diana gave her a head nod as she not so discreetly eyed the woman up and down. Charlene looked as boring as her name. She looked like the typical rich girl, dressed all in beige, who never had to deal with anything serious in life.

"Don't worry, Charlene. I'm just down at the pit wall tracking all of your boyfriend's movements." She said as she tapped Charles's arm.

Charles wasn't sure what to do. His girlfriend didn't seem too impressed by the new team member. He had a soft spot for Diana, maybe due to the fact that he felt desired around her. He recalled the last time he had sex with his girlfriend. It had been weeks ago and he had to almost beg her.

He watched Diana turn around to greet some other team members. She was wearing a long-sleeved red Ferrari blouse and black trousers. He discreetly looked at her bottom again, Charles just couldn't help it. It felt like Diana was getting along just fine with everyone, despite Carlos being concerned that she wouldn't be very likeable. He also observed that Fabio was very touchy around her.

"Let's go, Charles. I want to sit down. These heels are killing me!" Charlene tugged her boyfriends' arm.


It was Sunday and Diana took her seat on the stool right next to Xavier. She wasn't still allowed to communicate through the radio. At that stage, she had to watch and learn for the next races. There were all sorts of celebrities mingling around and she was sure some of them were clueless about the sport. They were only around to show they had money.

Charles and Carlos were still going through race strategies with their engineers before making their way to the pitlane where the cars were already being checked by a whole team of mechanics. She noticed how incredibly sexy Charles looked with his racing suit on.

"Aren't you too pretty to be working here?" She heard someone with a strong British accent behind her. She turned around in her seat to face a middle-aged man. She rolled her eyes.

Diana was used to those types of remarks about her looks. She was too pretty to be considered intelligent.

"If you're bored of cars, give me a call." He said as he handed Diana his business card. She looked down at it quickly and noticed he was a fashion designer.

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