22 1 1

"Violet," A hand shook my left shoulder. Madison called my name again and I opened my eyes, separating my chin from my right arm. For the first four seconds I didn't know what happened but it then hit me that I had fallen asleep beside the window.

"I'm going to the campfire. Are you coming?" She asked and I nodded. She waited for me outside the house while I brushed my teeth. Time check, it was 11:13 pm.

As soon as we arrived, Amy offered me butter coffee, but I rejected it. I didn't feel sleepy anymore, and all butter coffee does to me is make me energetic and hyper and all. Speaking of energetic, Madison was already hyped for the night, she's such a party girl. Sometimes she acted like one of those rebelious teenagers that drink, smoke and party every night, but I knew she wasn't one. She was too weak to actually do those things.

While an energetic Madison was singing (out of tune, might I add) a song with her friends, I was talking to a nostalgic Austin.

"And you actually really loved acting like a pop star," Austin said, chuckling. My jaw dropped in disgust. Pop stars aren't really my thing now. I guess I lost interest. "You even loved pretending lollipops were lipsticks." He smirked. "Ew, how can you still remember that?"

I truly did miss Austin. He was that kind of friend who'd never give up on something he wanted, no matter what the risks are. He was a really fun person to be with, even though he couldn't keep a secret when we were younger.


A week later

No matter how ugly my day goes, sunsets are always my stress-reliever. Just looking at the sun go down with colorful layers surrounding the sun drives the stress away. Speaking of stress, here I am, sitting on sand, all sad and alone. And stressed, of course.

How did I get to this situation, you ask? Well... this morning, Austin just left the country for a 2-week holiday with his family. I was with him before he left.

I've been attending the campfire parties for a week now, yet I only have one close friend. That's not something surprising since we all know how difficult it is to trust people, but that's still the point. I may have talked to Amy, or Tina, or Garett, or Scarlett, but that doesn't mean we're close enough to have heart-to-heart talks. Don't get me wrong, I don't tell Austin every inch of my secrets, and I don't completely know him yet, but his-or ours- friendship just makes my summer vacation easier.

Even if Austin's gone, he said we'd still communicate through the internet. It's a pretty hard thing considering I don't know what time he'll be chatting me or whatever he must be doing, but we'll figure it out. I guess.

Also, my family and the Lawley's are going camping for three days. Madison, being one of the best girl scouts, went with them. As for me, I hate camping. Take me anywhere but to the forest. I hate forests, I don't know why. But yes, I am home alone. Then I thought...

I could throw a party at the summerhouse.

Wait, hell no. Never mind. It's not my house, so I can't do that.

"Bye Violet!" Madison waved goodbye and so did I. We smiled at each other. Even if we fight a lot and she's way more annoying than I am, I sure am going to miss her. For 3 days.


The Nanny Diaries is a pretty nice movie, if you ask me. The movie had me smiling for the past 30 minutes mainly because Scarlett and Chris are cute for each other, but the storyline is amazing too. But still, the characters gave me the chills. It's like I'm in love all over again.

"God, you're such a creep-face." A voice said from across the room. Why the hell is Kian here? "Kian?" I popped my head to look at the figure to make sure it really was him. "No, it's Tom Cruise." I rolled my eyes at his response. It was him.

"Aren't you supposed to go camping?" I asked. Supposedly, I'm the only one in the house. They shouldn't even leave us here together. "I hate camping." He said as he went into the kitchen. "Really? Me too." I said, entering the kitchen as well to get a glass of water.

Now, I might seem like I want the conversation to be going, but I do not. I'm doing this just so we can be friends because for the next 3 days I'll be stuck with a boy that I don't even like. And it's not even a romantic like, it's the general like. For the past week we haven't been talking but we have had eye contacts which I, to be honest, don't know what it completely is about. When he looks at me he looks like he's going to kill me with a sprinkle of a "don't be scared" look. It's just pretty awkward.

He didn't say anything after me. All he didn't was just exit the kitchen with a dish in his hand. Way to leave me alone.

Alright, I get it, he hates me. I'm just gonna leave him alone.

I left the kitchen and went for the door to go to the campfire, but a furious voice called my name. "Violet."

Okay, maybe just serious, not furious.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You're not allowed to go to the campfire." Woah, hang in there, mister sassy pants.

"So you're my boss now? What kind of life is this?!" I threw my arms up out of frustration. He doesn't want to talk to me then he acts like I'm working for him.

Whatever, I'm just gonna leave this jerk-face. He'll leave me alone anyway.

"I told you you're not going anywhere," He said with his voice raised as I reached for the doorknob. Well, somebody's on their period.

"Leave me alone, Kian." I said as I opened the door and stepped outside. Ahh, I love the wind at night.

Then there it was. The hand of an annoying jerk-bag clipped onto my mouth, his other arm keeping my whole body locked in his grip. I love this human being.

"Let me go, you jerk!" I tried screaming and shouting but since I was only a step outside, it also took Kian one step to get me inside. I'm not the type to admit that I'm hurt or in pain, but his grip's pretty strong.

And yet another surprise! This selfish human being just embrace made me embrace the floor, ah! I love you floor!

Seriously, what's his problem with me?

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I shout-asked as he closed the door. Today, I got hurt three times. First was when Austin left for 2 weeks. Which means I won't have heart-to-heart talks with anyone for 2 weeks. Second, Madi's gone for three days. Which means I'm stuck with this sucker for three days. Third, is right now. Pain from three different people. Isn't the world amazing?!

"What did I say?" Kian asked with his voice raised, looking at me straight in the eye. Right now I'm debating on whether I should answer or not- "What did I say?!" he asked again, raising the first word. There-- I got my answer. "You told me I'm not going anywhere." I lowered my head to show respect.

Wait, show respect? Why am I showing respect? This jerk won't even return the favor!

"Why are you so mad about this?"

"Because your parents and my parents asked me to take care of you while they're gone! If you don't want to put me in trouble, then don't go anywhere!"

Mom and dad knew Kian wasn't going? Why on mother's beautiful flippin' earth did they not tell me?!

With that, I stood up. "I want to put you in trouble." I headed for the door.

Time for revenge.

Author's note:

Hi! I'm so sorry nothing really happened in this chapter, the next thing that's going to happen was supposed to be this chapter but I felt like it would be too long, but thanks for reading! :)

Summer House [Kian Lawley fanfic]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz