Chapter 26

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I'm walking down the sidewalk with tyrones crew because he wants me to finally pick out people for my crew. I have a few people in mind just not enough. Also coop is our newest addition. I seen Spencer and it was obvious he had seen us when he made Dillion and Layla go to her car.

"Jaaliyah, coop!" Spencer jogged over to us

"Hey, uhm, I actually got to go. I'll catch y'all later" I don't wanna hear Spencer's mouth right now.


Next day
📍Bakers house

"Hey babe" Mama baker walked into the kitchen and kissed Coach Baker on his bald head

"Hey, mama." He smiled at her. I want a relationship like that. At the same time I don't cause I feel like coach Baker hella shady...

"You prepping for Logan high?" Mama baker asked

"Im telling you, they look deceptively easy." He eyed the Ipad

"Yeah, well, we'll light em up, dad." Jordan said coming in eating a apple

"They got Mitchell on the end, though." Coach Baker sighed

"I thought he was injured?" We all took a double take at Liv.

"He—" coach baker done did a triple take.

"What? Im a coaches daughter. I pay attention." They still looking at her and I just shrugged

"Ok. Look at you. Well, Mitchell will be back by playoffs, so we need a game plan." I wanna make a play. I love coming up with playbooks. It's like a game.

Girl just smoke the weed. You know you want to. Inner demon #1 pointed out.

Duhh she wants too but she also wants to keep her sobriety. Deja said

Mane fuck that sobriety. Jaaliyah go get that weed. Inner demon #1 said

I laughed out loud as my eyes were color changing. I will never get used to that feeling.

"Yo, Jaaliyah, you good?" Spencer asked

"Yeah, im straight." I nodded still looking down at my cereal

I thought you were bi? Deja asked

I laughed harder out loud and looked up from my bowl of cereal. Everyone was staring at me. Olivia and Spencer's eyes widened as they saw my eyes. Liv only faced the wrath of it but Spencer actually knows the true meaning.

"Liyah, I didn't know your eyes color changed" I rubbed my eyes quickly trying to get them to turn back to brown.

"Oh, yeah. It's a gene thing. Anyways bye!" I swallowed the rest of my milk and put the bowl in the sink


Spencer's POV:

"I'll take Spencer." Mrs.baker told them. They were hesitant, She glared at them and they finally left

"Am I in trouble?" I joked.

"Not at all. But I want to hear about...what's bothering you."  She sat down next to me

"Im fine, really." I denied.

"No. You're not fine. And I hope you know you can talk to me." She gave all her attention towards me

"All this. Me moving to Beverly. This is about giving me a shot to make something of myself, right? About getting to the NFL so I can give back to my hood. Im just realizing I can't wait that long." I sighed.

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