Chapter 3

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Harper's POV:

They look like a happy couple while the teen looks rugged. "She seems cool." I whisper to Salem as I begin to walk towards my parents, "She looks like she eats scared teens that look like they're going to piss their pants." Salem states back to me before jumping out of my arms and sprints towards the neighbors. 

Checking my phone before I go over I see that it's already 4:30 pm. Not even a full day here and I'm ready to sacrifice myself to the Gods. Walking slowly towards them Dad pulls me into a side hug so I can't escape from socializing. 

A little bit pissed I'm introduced to Trudy and Angelica Locke. They live right next door to us, and their daughter Dani Locke who is a Junior like me. Great, I got a new friend for Junior year. Great way to start this semester. Smiling towards Harper who smirks back at me, do I finally realise that she's holding Salem. 

As I look at Salem in her arms he looks towards me with what can only be described as a shit eating grin. Which makes me narrow my eyes at Salem before smiling back at the Locke family. "Well come on inside so we can talk and the girls can get to know each other better." Mom says and motions everyone inside.

 I walk slowly while Dad is trying to drag me to walk faster. As the rest of the group walk inside I stop completely and so does Dad sense he is still holding me so I don't make a run for it. "Harp you gotta make new friends at some point and why not now? You're gonna be fine just take her up to your room, no magic, and try please try to make a new friend." 

I just look at him with a look of betrayal and hurt leaving his side-hug, I walk back into the house with Dad a few feet behind me. Walking straight into the house I Mom and Trudy and Angelica on the couch talking, "Oh Harper there you are, Dani is up in your room."

 Mustering up a smile I say "Thanks Mom" and begin to walk up to my room

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 Mustering up a smile I say "Thanks Mom" and begin to walk up to my room. 

Walking in I see Dani laying on my couch with her eyes closed and Salem resting on her chest. Not knowing what to do I cleared my throat to get her attention.  Dani opens her eyes which I now notice are honey-brown colored, which are absolutely beautiful.

 "Hey, I'm Harper and that creature on you is Salem." She looks me over before slowly picking Salem up from her chest and setting him down on the couch, she stands up and walks over towards me, 

"I'm Dani but you already know that. I was basically forced into meeting our new neighbors. No offence. Moms thought I could be your new friend because they heard we were getting neighbors with a daughter starting in the middle of Junior year. They thought I could help you sense your new and all. So why'd you move here of all places?" She questions me. 

"Well Mom is really into plants and this place is full of plant life and Dad says this place has perfect acoustics for his music whatever that means." I say with a laugh at the end, Dani joining in. "You guys are weird but I dig it." Laughing awkwardly after that I just sit while Dani looks around my room.

"Where did you come from?" "Everywhere." I said truthfully with a shrug. "We never stay in one place for long, Mom is always on the hunt for some new plant and Dad loves to go anywhere where music is and I quote "Never resting but is always moving and growing". Honestly it's a load of rubbish but Dad is theatrical." 

Dani laughs and nods her head understandingly. "Yeah I get that, my Moms are crazy. Trudy loves cooking anything that's a challenge. She's really good at it. She cooks a country's food either every week or month. This week is Thailand." Dani tells me as she lays on my bed tossing a stress ball up in the air.

 "She loved to travel before she met Angelica. Angelica and I don't get along that well. She's a perfectionist, she's the CEO of a business that travels a lot." Salem jumps up from the couch and jumps into Dani's lap. 

"She brings me home something from every business meeting abroad and all I have to do is show her a passing grade of some sort." Dani states mindlessly playing with Salem. I nod my head listening to her. "Sorry that was a lot to dump on you." 

"No you're completely fine I get it. Sometimes my Mom can be overbearing with wanting me to socialize and make new friends." Sitting in silence for a few minutes becomes overbearing, till Dani jumps up causing Salem to land on the floor ungracefully. 

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