Chapter 4

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Harper's POV:

"Sorry Salem, but this has become overly depressing so do you want to I don't know play music or something?" After setting up my speaker system I connected my phone and Dani started blasting Teenagers by My Chemical Romance. 

Dani grabbed a hairbrush from my dresser and started singing along to the song. I was just sitting on my bed and cheering her on before she pulled me up to start singing with her and dancing along with her. 

Laughing and giggling the entire time.After spending twenty minutes talking and listening to music my Mom calls us down saying the Lockes' are leaving. While I'm disconnecting my phone I turn to see Dani giving Salem attention and I can already foresee Salem getting a big head.

 Walking down the stairs I see Trudy and Angelica give my Mom and Dad hugs while I see Dani look sad to leave. 

"So like I said before the bus comes at 7:20 and it's a ten minute walk to the bus stop." Dani tells me before giving me a hug and following her parents out of our house. 

After they walk back into their house Mom goes out into the gardens, Dad grabs his guitar and keys. 

Dad walks in front of me and gives me a kiss on my head before saying "Sorry kiddo. I'm already late to the bar so I'll see you later, you can go school shopping tomorrow. Don't go overboard and maybe invite Dani to go with you so you can hang out more with someone your own age." 

As he says this he gives me 50 dollars in cash then deposits 200 onto my card. He walks out and it's 6:30 when he leaves. 

Not even surprised I walk upstairs into my room, turn off all the lights leaving only my fairy lights on and climb into bed while turning on my tv and setting it to Netflix.

Not even surprised I walk upstairs into my room, turn off all the lights leaving only my fairy lights on and climb into bed while turning on my tv and setting it to Netflix

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As I get ready to watch The Haunting of Bly Manor, Salem hops onto my bed and rests on the pillow next to my own. After watching a couple episodes I get up to do my nightly routine, I change into my pajamas and get ready to go to bed. 

Turning off my fairy lights I begin to pet Salem and slowly fall asleep to Salem's purring.

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