Chapter #1 / Meeting the Sardegna Empire

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Somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea... 

???: Argh... W-where am I? Wait... I'M A HUMAN?!? Okay, calm down Francesco, you're a battleship, but defenseless without a proper escort. Perhaps it would be better to send out a SOS signal and hope that anybody could come rescue you. 

So she sent out a SOS signal in the hopes that someone might pick it up, luckily there was One particular destroyer that was not that far from her. Who was this destroyer you ask? Well it was none other than Yolo- Er I mean Paolo Emilio. Anyways she was patrolling the waters on her own as expected from someone like her or maybe she was just misunderstood, and besides there was a very strange lack of Siren activity in the waters she was patrolling so it made it easier for her to head over to Francesco's SOS signal with zero issues. When she got there, she found a relatively short girl who appeared to reach slightly above her waistline. 

Paolo: Hey! Are you okay? 

Francesco: Yes and thank goodness you found me, I thought that I would get lost eventually, but not anymore since you found me after I sent out that distress signal. 

Paolo: Hmmm... Say what is your name? 

Francesco: Oh, I'm Francesco Giuliani, sole ship of the U.P. 42 class and successor to the Vittorio Veneto and Marco Polo class of battleships. 

Paolo: So, are you by any chance related to them? I of course am not referring to your... Height 

Francesco: Okay, first of all, I may be short but I'm not that short. Besides even if I was the same height as them, my chest isn't that impressive anyways. 

Paolo: Well, since you're alone out here, would you allow me to escort you back to our base? Don't worry I already checked, and there are no Sirens around. 

Francesco: Sirens...? 

Paolo: You... Don't know what they are? 

Francesco: That's kind of the problem, you see I'm not from this world as I was engulfed by some bright light after I... Got sunk by bombs.. 

Paolo: It seems you aren't very fond of said weapons... I can't blame you though, I once charged towards a Siren battleship all by myself and almost got sunk for it, needless to say, I've been through a lot. 

Francesco: Wait, what year is it? 

Paolo: It's 2025, why do you ask? 

Francesco: I-I was sunk in 1943.. 

Paolo: Hmm, regardless do you know how to summon your ship? 

Francesco: N-no, I don't know, would you kindly teach me how to? 

Paolo: Yep! Just imagine your ship and it'll appear right in front of you! 

So Francesco decided to do just that, which caused hundreds if not thousands of wisdom cubes to form the shape of her ship before it slowly manifested into it. Paolo Emilio was impressed at the amount of wisdom cubes, but was even more impressed at the size of Francesco's battleship once it fully manifested, she could obviously tell that it rivaled everything the Sardegna Empire had in its arsenal in terms of size and even giving some other nation's battleships a run for their money. 

Paolo: My god, such an impressive ship you have Francesco.. Say how long is it exactly? 

Francesco: 288 meters 

Paolo: T-that's the same length as the Iris Libre battleship 'République'. 

Francesco: Oh, so my ship is the same length as that battleship you just mentioned? 

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