Untitled Part 3

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If I were to spiral down into the pits of madness, who would be there to rescue me?

If I were to call you crying and ask you to help, would you bother to answer?

If I manage to shred my skin and shed my tears, would you stay to make it better?

You tell me you're ride or die, but can I trust that?

In the morning when I can't stand because of the pain, will you be there to help me?

In the afternoon when I feel myself start to break, will you try to fix me?

In the night when I feel at my lowest, will you be there to shine on?

You tell me that it will be alright, but can I trust that?

When I'm too weak to hold myself up can you rush to my aid?

When I finally crack under all of the pressure, do you promise not to laugh at me for it?

When I decide that I want to tell everyone about my problems, will you actually listen to me?

You tell me that I need help, but can I trust that?

Can I trust you?

Will you help me as well as I help myself?

Will you even try to match that energy?

You tell me that you will


Can I trust that?

++=.+=+0==.++=.==Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon