Untiled Part 14

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Communication, as useful as a skill as it may be, has never really been my strong suit

Despite being as old as I am, despite my various awards and recognitions for my literary works, English has never been a language I can completely wrap my head around

I read these words, I type them with ease

But the meaning of them always fall flat for me

It's hard

Honestly, it is

Having to try and remember the severity of my words, doing my best to keep conversations light while simultaneously saying the foulest things.

"Max, how have you been?"

"Well, my bastard of a sister has once again invalidated my struggles. My issues are not there because how could they be? She believes that if she didn't see it, it never happened. She makes me scared for her son, my nephew, if she behaves towards him as she has to me, I just know that he'll end up as messed up as I am."

"Max... that's..."

And just like that, I've spoilt yet another interaction.

Was I not supposed to tell the truth?

To not answer their question?

What use is there in having such conversations if you aren't prepared for such "deep" topics?

When has sharing your story become such a taboo subject?

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