Chapter 7

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My head hurt. Again. That was the first thing I was aware of. Is there ever going to be a time when I wake up without any sort of pain? 

Voices. There are voices now. Jack's I think. Someone's shouting. Must be Jack. 

My fingers feel funny. Still like fingers, but different. Different nerve receptors maybe? Quite possible. Hehe they feel all tingly. I wonder if I can wiggle them?

Sure enough. They moved up, down, in circles, all sorts of directions in the air. I placed them back on what felt like a cold mettle surface, and tried wiggling my toes next. 

Interesting. Very interesting.

Everything felt....weird. Must be new nerves, or different ones. Finally got proper ones instead of having two of each, or did I have two of each? I don't really know. I should ask Dad about that. Dad! Oi! Where is he? 

I tried opening my mouth to talk but only managed to croak out air. Not even audio abled air. I mentally rolled my eyes and tried to focus on listening to the voices in the background.

"muble mumble What Were muble muble Red Head mumble mumble mumble mumble Oh Don't Start mumble mumble mumble mumble mumble You Think That Was mumble mumble mumble."

Oh for crying out load. I tried sitting up blind and think I managed to do so. Gravity felt different, granted so did everything else. Why is everything all tingly?

I tride talking again. "Dad." this time it came out as more of a whisper, so progress was being made. Voice still sounded the same. Sorta, it sounded more...detailed in a way. Is that possible?

"Dad." That time my voice was a little loader.

'Oi! You awake?"

"Amy?" Not who I was going for but I'd take it. It least I knew for sure that dad was still around somewhere

"Yeah, I'm here." She came up and I heard the mettle click a bit as she sat down next to me. "You can open your eyes ya know. Nothing stoppin ya now."

I opened my eyes tentetivly and gave her a puzzled look. "Was there before?"

"No. Just thought that you might have been having trouble earlier. You know, waking up , all knew body, all knew eyes."

"Really?" I looked down at my hands but they looked the same, just clearer. Did my eyesight improve? 


I looked up at Amy in utter panic. "Did I regenerate?!" Panic filled my voice that managed to make it to a high shreek! Oh god if mum ever found me again she was going to flip!

"No, I'm not sure the Doctor made it all confusing and didn't explain before he and Jack left."

"Oh good." I sighed and relaxed a bit.

"I feel funny."

Amy smiled. "The Doctor said you might. Said you also might be hungry."

It wasn't until she said something that I felt the over whelming hunger. "Can I have cheerios? I really want cheerios."

"Does Jack have any?" Amy ask while helping me to my feet. I stumbled for a moment but quickly regained my balance.

"I'm not sure. We never really eat cheerios."

Amy chuckled and followed me out of the TARDIS all the way back to Torchwood. I was so focused on eating I didn't stop to think about anything else. I didn't even notice when I started running.

I bursted open the Torchwood doors causing them to bang against the wall behind them. "Wow. Who knew that both hearts actually working could create so much energy! I could run. We should go running. I like to run. Always have. Not sure why I never picked it up. I should pick up running, would be a use full skill with my life style. Where are those cheerios?" I was moving at a hundred miles an hour around the kitchen scowering for cheerios. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2013 ⏰

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