Chapter 5

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Sorry it took me so long to write this. Truth be told I had forgotten about it for a while and then when I did remember it I couldn't decide for the life of me what I wanted to do. So here it is, please comment on what you think.

“Okay so it’ll take a few moments to reprogram the machine so that it doesn’t try to store all your memories somewhere. After that it’ll completely erase your human DNA and presto! There’ll be another Time Lord in the universe.” He zoned out for a few moments, looking rather curious and worried at the same time, but quickly came back and went back to work.

Amy, Rory and I were standing in a corner of the TARDIS control room watching dad run around in circles flipping switches and pressing buttons. I was so excited I was practically dancing in place, jumping up and down, back and forth.

“Doctor are ya sure this is a good idea?” Amy asked.

I looked up and gave her a death glare.

“Hey it’s nothing against you okay.” She said throwing her hands in the air. “But he’s been the only Time Lord for so long...”

“Amy Pond, if it weren’t for the Time War there would be millions of Time Lords. Having more than one floating around might actually do the planet some good.” Dad looked at me and smiled. It was different from his previous self, but his eyes still had that same kindness they always have in them.

“Wait, one floating around? We’re not taking her with us?” Rory pipped up.

“Definitely not.” We heard him shout from somewhere under the TARDIS.

“Why not?” Rory argued. “She is your kid after all.”

“That’s precisely why she isn’t coming.”

I smirked. He wasn’t leaving me here after this, I had to much of mum in me.

Amy leaned closer to Rory and whispered, “Just think what River would do if she found out he had a long lost child.”

I looked up at them with wide eyes. “Wait. River? As in River Song?”

“Yes, why do you know her?” Amy asked.

“Yeah. I mean no. Dad does. I mean my dad, well my other dad. He only met her once. Oh poor mum. Even now he still hasn’t told her his name, and this women just appeared out of nowhere seeming to know everything about him and......”

“Ah ah ah! None of that! We’ll be having no more talk of that now.” He shouted while running towards. He stopped and rolled his heels so that he looked like a worm for a moment. “No more talking of that. Now it’s almost ready so why don’t you go stand over there,” He looked at me and pointed to the other side of the TARDIS. “and then we can start.”

I reluctantly made my way to the other side of the TARDIS, and immediately the three of them started whispering.

So dad knew River Song now. So in truth, he knew his fate with mum long before he found her again...meaning what? That he wanted her to be happy with a human replica that had a chance at a feature? That he did love her but knew that he couldn’t have her forever?

“How many times has River been a companion?” I shouted towards Amy and Rory.

They whispered amongst themselves for a while, then to my surprise Rory was the one to answer me. “Quite frequently. She at least comes along for 1/3 trips on average.”

I looked over at my other dad who was obviously pretending that we weren’t discussing the new Rose.

“Dad? I mean Doctor, who’s River?”

He just looked at me with a look that said he either didn’t want to talk about it or he couldn’t. Returning to the TARDIS console, I sat on the ground and waited for him to finish.

“So, I’m guessing he didn’t find you two together?” I said waving my fingers between Amy and Rory.

“No, he found me when I was 12, he got the time mixed up and I didn’t see him till the night before my wedding.”

I bursted out into laughter. “That must have caused some problems. That’s why you brought the boyfriend.” I shouted loud enough so the Doctor to hear. “I’d have thought after mum brought along Jack you’d be done with couples.”

Both Amy and Rory sent me confused looks.

“Yes well, there are always exceptions.” I heard the Doctor say.

I nodded to myself as the whole TARDIS became one awkward silence. I sighed, closed my eyes and laid on my back. So much has happened it’s probably been years, decades even since any of the stuff I heard about happened.

“Olivia is it?” I opened my eyes and sat up a little.


He nodded and sat down next to me and didn’t say anything for a while.

“How long have you been with the Doctor?” I asked.

“About two years, been quite the adventure.”

I smiled. “You have no idea.”

“So does your Doctor have a TARDIS as well?”

I shook my head. “No, Dad, I mean the Doctor left his other self and my mum to leave normal lives. A TARDIS doesn’t really fit into the picture of normal.”

“True but, can’t he just build another one?”

I scoffed. “No, TARDIS’s can’t just be built, they have to be grown, specifically on Gallifrey.”

He nodded. “Oh, I see.”

More silence.

“Done! Olivia! I need you to come stand over here!”


I ran around the console and stood under a large metal hat that looked like something out of Back to the Future.

“Alright,” The Doctor said while running around pressing buttons and pulling levers. “Now this is going to hurt.” He stopped for a moment. “A lot.”

“I’ll live.”

He waited for a moment, probably trying to make sure I really understood just how much pain I was about to be in.

I did.

“Very well, so just stand there, it should take about a minute and twenty seven seconds and then, poof! Full Time Lord.”

I smiled. “Okay.”

He flipped and poked at a few more things and then hesitated over one of the switches.


I nodded. He pulled the lever, the hat practically fell on my head and proceeded to try ripping my brain out through my skull.

I’d never experienced, or ever imagined, this kind of excruciating pain. My entire body felt like it was trying to rip itself apart and my eyes were going to melt right off my body. Everything hurt, everything burned, and there wasn’t anything I could do but wait.

After what seemed like an eternity the machines turned off and I collapsed to the ground. I could here people shouting my name and being picked halfway off the floor into someone's lap. I could move for the life of me though.

“She just needs to rest, give her time.” Said the Doctor.

Then I blacked out.

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