Chapter 4

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It was....different. Not what I expected certainly. It probably is much more fantastic on the inside.

“So, are you ready?”

I looked up and my dad, leaning against a blue police box, who didn’t look too pleased with the fact that I was here, but at the same time looked really excited to show me the TARDIS.

It was such a confusing look.

I nodded, and with a snap of his fingers the doors opened wide revealing the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

My eyes were wide and brimming with aw as I look in my surroundings. Oh it was magnificent! I couldn’t help stroking my hand along the railing as I made my way inside. I walked around the TARDIS letting my fingers get mangled in the controls, feeling the life and radiance she was giving off.

It was fantastic! Absolutely fantastic!

I looked up at the ceiling which was taller than most buildings and looked as fascinating as the night sky. Granted instead of black sky and stars it was somewhat green and metal.

I started twirling in circles and laughing at the wonderful feeling I was getting that seemed to eradicate from the TARDIS itself. No wonder people fall in love with the TARDIS.

I stopped when I got to dizzy and ended up facing the console again.

I smiled. “Oh what a beautiful thing you are. I can see why dad stole you all those years ago.”

I heard laughter coming from the entrance to the TARDIS.

“She’s certainly your kid Doctor.” Said Amy.

“Well...technically speaking she’s not my daughter.”

I could practically hear my heart collapse.

“But, how can that be?” Rory piped. “I mean obviously you two are related.”

“It was before he regenerated.” I said a little sadly.

Everyone looked so surprised that I spoke. They probably forgot I could hear them.

“My mum was an old companion of his, “one of the best” to quote him, but they got seperated into different universes while fighting a Dalek and Cyberman invasion and weren’t able to find each other until several years later.”

I continued to tell them all about mum’s last adventure with the Doctor. It was quite a long one and I did my best to shorten it, but it was long enough that eventually everyone was sitting on the floor of the TARDIS.

“So that human version of the Doctor married my mum and they eventually had me.” I said finally finishing.

Silence followed, until the three adults started to have a whispering argument back and forth about the Doctor’s decisions in his past life. I could have paid attention.

I rolled my eyes. So like adults.

I immediatly felt a deep buzz in my skin that made me feel like heaven was crashing down on me. I turned my head to see a hall at the other end of the TARDIS glowing.

I smiled to myself. The old girl obviously wanted to show me around. Such a lively thing.

I happily skipped off towards the corridors of the TARDIS to explore, following that wonderful sensation throughout the confusing twists and turns.

“So beautiful, do you have a name?” I said to the green and white hall.

She responded with a strong glow but no words.

The Time Lord's Daughter (Doctor Who Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora