Chapter 3

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Sorry it took so long to upload. I got a little stuck with where I wanted to take this. I wanted to make this a little longer but I thought I'd taken enough time as it was just to write this. I'll try to upload the next chapter soon.

Chapter 3

“Sorry, what was that?

“Bad Wolf.” I repeated.

“Sorry but what is bad wolf?” Asked the redhead.

“It’s...complicated. Short version: it’s my mother.”

The Doctor finally spoke up. “Yes, your mother. How is she?”

“Well considering you left her on a beach, for the second time, except instead of leaving her alone you left her a human replica of yourself that is slowly dying, and the fact that her only child jump universes and can’t really go back I’d guess she’s doing just fine.”

The Doctor began to fidget while both his companions did a double take between the two of us.

“Yes well...glad we could catch up. By the way....”


“Yes! Olivia, nice name, very original, not too popular. Have you seen something that would help create a port installation inside your head? I must have told you about it, or maybe I didn’t. Hard to tell with humans you know. Anyway it was on space station 5, the first time we went....”

“And mum’s ‘boyfriend’ got himself in trouble and got a device installed in his head so that whenever anyone snapped their fingers around him his head would open revealing his brain.” I laughed.”Yeah no, havn’t seen it.”

“Right then. Jack? How bout you?”

“Top draw. And may I ask who are your new friends?”

“No. Don’t even think about it.” Said the Doctor threatening Jack with a mop. Where’d he even get that?

“Why?” Asked the redhead.

“Yes why Doctor?” He turned to face the redhead. “Hi, Captain Jack Hartness.” He reached out his hand and took hold of hers, offering her a gentleman’s kill on the hand.

She awkwardly smiled. “Um...I’m Amy, and back there’s my husband Rory.” She said gesturing to the man standing awkwardly behind her.

“Yes hello.” He said waving at Jack.

With that big malicious smile he said, “Ah, cute couple, remind me to pass you my number later.” Before Amy and Rory could respond dad jumped out of a huge pile of stuff holding up a small rounded devise.

“Found it! Right then, Jack we’ll be on our way.”

“Oh no you don’t.” I said running towards him before he could even take a step towards the door. “You're not going anywhere just yet. You and I have some business to take care of.”

He looked at me with a stern expression. “I can’t take you back if that’s what you want. It’s amazing you made it through the rift without collapsing both worlds.”

“No, I want you to use that silly contraption of yours inside the TARDIS and change my remaining human DNA to Time Lord DNA.”

He looked puzzled at me.

“That you used one time with Martha Jones. It turned you human for a short time.”

His eyes got wide before he composed himself to a stern look and leaning down so that he was eye level with me.

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