Chapter 1

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I was in my bed sleeping when I heard my door open harshly, I quickley jolted up and rubbed my eyes from the light in the hallway, i see my parents rush to me like they were in panic.

My mum grabbed my arm and said.

'Ok sweetie we need you to pack your things but leave the unnessary stuff out only the important ones, then we'll go to the car and get out of here because we're um.. going on a road trip to somewhere its a specail surprise! Ok?'

Confusion was on my face at what she said but quickly shook it off when she said that we're going on a road trip and it was a surprise.

I squealed "Yes! I'll go pack my things right now mum!"

She gave me a weak smile.

'Ok sweetie go pack as quickly as you can'

Mum and dad left my room in a jog, I went to my Dora backpack and place the stuff I needed inside, I closed the zip on the backpack, swing it on my shoulder and ran downstairs and I go to put my trainers on from the shoe rack by the door.

I heard loud stomping and I look to see my parents running downstairs "Ok sweetie let's go to the car now!" My dad said frantically and out of breath.

My parents unlocked the front door and ran to the car, I ran with them and got into the car, I placed my backpack on the seat next to me and quickly put on my seat belt.

My dad quickly reversed out of our driveway and drives.

'I wonder where we're going?'

Seeing my parents like that, the worry on their faces made me worry a bit.

My mum looked over her seat to look at me "Why don't you go to sleep honey it's going to be a long drive"

When my mum mentioned sleep I got tired, I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"Ok mum" Still looking at me she gave a weak smile. "You know I love you so so much sweetheart"

"I love you too mum"

I closed my eyes and got comfortable, and I slept not hearing what my parents were about to say.

"Jackson we cannot let him get to her, we have to protect her at all costs, home school, never let her out by herself and we need to stay with her at all times, oh god Jackson I'm so scared I don't want him to hurt our baby."

"She'll be ok Katherine don't worry we'll protect her, he won't take her from us I won't let him"

There was a silence between the two parents.



"We need to find her, she can help us an-".


"But Jack!".

"I said no Katherine! How do we know she's not secretly working for him?!".

"We don't but it's a risk we have to take! We need to protect her and she can help!".

"Kat...we can't".

"She knows the rules Jackson!".


"Jack please, just trust me".

"Ok Kat" He took a deep breath.

"I trust you".

And they drove off into the night, driving to a little place called.


(A/N So I had a great suggestion to call the town Colmar but just to let you know this is still placed in England)

Don't Say His NameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora