Chapter 22

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Somewhere in Marseille

Unknown Person

One week ago

I pant hard, looking over to Nicholas who's on the ground trying to get up.

I scramble on the floor to get my sword but fail as the Thyok kicks me hard in the stomach which makes me collide against the marble wall which cracks.

My breathing becomes difficult when I feel a big rough hand wrap around my neck. My body lifts from the floor, I open my eyes to see the Thyok roar at me.

I flinch as it's saliva hits my face.


My arms are within reach to it's face, I take the opportunity to place my thumbs on it's eyes and push.

It drops me. When I hit the ground I race to my sword and swiftly pick it up and turn to face the monster that is staring at me with it's midnight black eyes, filled with determination.

To kill me.

"Are you ready to end this?".

I smirk seeing Nicholas standing beside me from the corner of my eye. I inhale deeply and reply with.

"So fucking ready".

Both of us charging at the Thyok with our glowing gold swords. The Thyok charging at us as well I take that to slide between it's legs, turn.

I see a table so running as fast as I can I jump on the table and jump off. My sword at an angle I plunge it on top of the middle of it's head. I let go of my sword so I drop on the floor with my two feet.

The sound of gargling from the Thyok confirms that they have killed it, it drops face first on the ground.

"Phew that was a bit difficult" Nicholas says, I wipe the sweat from my forehead and nod agreeing with him. "But you know what this means Nicholas" I pause for a second trying to catch my breath.

"He's coming after the most powerful part of the Amulet" I pull my sword out of the dead Thyok's head. Nicholas and I lock eyes.

"We need to find Arthur".

"Merde" We both say in unison.


(So do you remember who these guys are? If not go back to chapter 7 if you want to know)

P.S I haven't read this through yet so if there are any mistakes please let me know.

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