Chapter 11

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"Mum?" I look at her with bewilderment "Drákones, it's been a while".

'It has indeed Katherine'.

His voice isn't in my head, I can hear him, and so can she "Mum, what's going on?" She looks at me with sad eyes and sighs "It's a long story" I cross my arms but not in a rude way "I have time".

'You have to tell her Katherine'.

She rubs the bridge of her nose "I know Drá" she looks at me and inhales deeply, "I think we should go to the living room sweet" I pick up Dràkones and we walk to the living room, now both sat on the sofa I place Dràkones next to me and we look at each other.

"Amelia this is going to be hard for you but please still know I love you with all my heart, from the moon and back" Her eyes water "Mum I'm scared" She reaches to hold my hand "It's ok, I hope you'll understand".

"I am a guardian and I was born to protect you" A lone tear slips from her eye "Amelia, I'm not your biological mother, but that doesn't mean you're not my daughter, you will always be my daughter.

Your father and I found you on our doorstep and the first moment I looked at you I knew you were the one, the one I was supposed to protect. So I did and I still am.

Your father wasn't a guardian just a normal guy but he was amazing I loved him with all my heart, he didn't die by a car hit but a Shadower.

Shadowers are Ročhiecs, they don't appear randomly, they're sent for a hit, It was for a distraction so I'd be more focused on your father than you. They thought your father was the strong weak point but he wasn't, no matter how much I loved him you were always my main priority.

I gave up my first love because of you, you are my strongest weak point, I was born and trained to protect you and I'll protect you to the end.

Amelia you are very special and because of that evil will find you, and they will kill you". She pauses for a bit "Do you have any questions so far?".

"Why am I special?" "You're special because you're powerful, I don't know what you are, they didn't tell us much about you only some little bits but our main objective was to protect you".

Another question pops up in my head "How do you know Drákones?" "We met because of you, when I was young maybe about sixteen, he came to me saying how I'm going to come across a big obstical in the future and to prepare and some other things you don't need to worry about".

"How did you become a guardian?".

"I was born a guardian, like my father was, he trained me as soon as I hit ten, as I got older, training became more intense and by the time I was twenty five I was a full guardian, it takes a lot of strength to get through. Sadly some guardians felt like they couldn't do it, it was too much for some, they would purposely injure themselves that bad they wouldn't be able to become a full guardian.

It's not something you can choose to do, it's something you're born to do, you can't get out".

"Can you train me?" Her eyes slightly widen "Hunny I can't I'm sorry, you're not a guardian and it literally is against the guardian law to train someone who isn't since as I said it's something you're born to do".

"Mum a Shadower tried to attack me, I was running home from the library because Drá told me to and one popped up and as it was about to strike I put out my hand, said something weird and the thing flew! As soon as it hit the ground it dissapeared, what is that?".

'Oh yeah I forgot about that'.

I look at Drákones with the 'what' face "How the fuck did you forget that!".

'I don't know I just did a lot was happening!'.

"So what does that mean".

"Drá I think I'm going to have to call her".

'Yeah I think you should too'.

I look at my mum with slight confusion on my face, "Who are you going to call?".

"Her name's Ameliana".

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