Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"Uncle Doug..."

Ethan fell to his knees beside his uncle's corpse. His eyes were wide, but other than that I couldn't see any trace of emotion on his face. That was fine. It would come out once the shock faded a little, and getting him to do what I wanted would be easier before he had time to process everything he'd seen.

"I have to make a call," I said. "Just stay here and, you know...grieve or something."

If he heard me, he didn't show it. The poor guy just sat there on his knees, eyes glued to the teeth marks that ringed his uncle's mouth. I looked away, the sight too much to stand. What would happen to him now? His house trashed, his guardian dead...and it was all my fault. I cringed, feeling like an icicle was being stabbed into my chest. If I had just been a little faster...if I hadn't been born a complete and utter failure...this could all have been avoided.

I left him alone and went into the kitchen, pulling out my phone to thumb through the contacts. A pit formed in my stomach when I found the one I needed. Pop Rocks on pizza, I did not want to dial that number.

I did it anyway.

"Henry?" the gravelly voice of Wallace McGus asked from the other end.

I sighed. "Hey, Master. I—"


"Listen, there's..." I paused. "Wait, what? Mexico?"

"You think I can't track where my Cube's gone? You're supposed to be on a hunt!"

I closed my eyes, moaning. I knew I'd forgotten something.

"I'm not in Mexico," I reassured him. "The Cube was stolen."

"Stolen? By who?"

I gritted my teeth. "By...a raccoon?"

"You," he said in stunned disbelief, "gave my Escher Cube to a—"

"Okay, look," I cut him off, "that's not important right now. I need you to call an emergency council meeting right now, all right?"

He paused. "What have you done this time?"

"Nothing!" I snapped, my cheeks burning. Cheeseburger smoothies, I did not need this right now!

"You realize it's one thirty in the morning, right?"

"I'm aware, yes."

He groaned. "Fine. But if it turns out you're wasting their time, they'll eat you alive. You know that, right?"

"Trust me," I said, glancing toward Ethan. "This is going to blow their peanut buttering minds."

"Fine," he said again. "Catch an IW and be here in fifteen minutes."

"For the love of cheese," I complained, "it'll take at least—"

"Fifteen minutes! And curse like an adult, damn it!"

I hung up, folding my arms on the kitchen counter and resting my head on top of them. If talking to McGus had been unpleasant, dealing with the Council of Shnoob at this time of night would be like walking barefoot over broken glass and burning Legos.

I raised my head, a glint of excitement pushing through the exhaustion. It would be worth it. As soon as the council saw Ethan — and more importantly, his hoard of laughter — their tunes would change. They would finally have to admit that I could do this. No more snide remarks about my hair color, or my magic, or my...little problem. Starting tonight, I'd be getting the respect I deserved!

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