Chapter Twenty Three

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: if you get tired of waiting for new chapters, the entire book is for sale on Amazon in print and on Kindle!

Chapter Twenty Three

The spellhammer exploded with light and power, throwing me back against the wall. I tried to raise a hand to cover my eyes, but I couldn't move a muscle. I heard Ethan scream, but the blinding light kept me from seeing what was happening.

The magic that Ethan had unleashed slammed into me like a rhino on roller skates. For a second I thought that I was going to be crushed between it and the wall, but then the magic began to wrap around me like an electrified cocoon. I squirmed against it, but couldn't break free.

Suddenly I was jerked forward, flying across the room until I hit...something. I grunted in pain, and it and I fell to the floor together, with me landing on top. Almost immediately, the light vanished. Was I alive? It felt like I had a few bumps and scrapes, but no broken bones. Definitely not dead.

I opened my eyes. Conrad's room looked strangely undisturbed. All his stuff — his collection of skulls, classic horror movie posters, and ambient scary music on vinyl — were exactly where they'd been before. But then I gasped.

Where was Ethan?

"Ethan?" I called, trying and failing to stand up. "Where are you?"

"Down here, stupid," I heard him groan, and I realized I was laying right on top of him. "Would you get off already?"

I sighed in relief. "Don't you scare me like that! What the cheesy garlic bread did you think you were doing? Do you have any idea how many ways you could have died just now?"

I tried to pick myself up again, but my arms gave out and I fell back on top of him.

He grunted, then said, "I'll be sure to let you know if it ever becomes your business."

I stopped, glaring down at him. "Excuse me? As long as you're in my house, your suicidal stupidity is my business!"

"Just get off!"

I tried again, but the explosion must have hit me harder than I'd thought because I still couldn't raise myself more than a few inches before collapsing onto Ethan again. Ignoring his protests, I laid my head down on his chest for a minute to catch my breath. The spellhammer lay a few feet away, no longer glowing.

"Where did you even get that?" I asked, kicking it under his bed where he couldn't reach it.

He looked away. "I asked McGus if I could borrow it."

"Uh huh." I craned my neck to see the old, thick book sitting on his bed. "And that's what you traded Aesop the bowling ball for? A spellbook? Holy hamburger casserole, Ethan!"

"I was fine until you came in," he snapped,

"You're lucky you didn't blow up the whole neighborhood, you idiot!"

I put my palms flat against the floor and pushed myself up a third time. Ethan rose up with me. His arms were wrapped around my torso, holding me against him.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm not doing anything! Just get off already. Seriously, when was the last time you showered?"

I curled my lip. "You're going to have to stop hugging me first, loverboy."

He froze. "What are you talking about?"

"Your arms, doofus! What else would I be talking about?"

He looked over my shoulder, and jumped in surprise when he saw what he was doing.

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