Finding You

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F i n d i n g y o u

F i n d i n g y o u

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2007, 24 december

Jungkook pov:

Dad came back from work again, he didn't look okay, he was wandering around and swearing at random things, he looked drunk and smelled like it

My mother went to him, she tried to stop him from falling on the ground

Dad pushed her back, he started swearing at her, mom tried to calm him down but it didn't work

He was still swearing at her, than mom got angry too, and shouted at him

Dad slapped mommy... I tried not to make much noise and not to cry, I was hiding behind the wall

Mom got shocked she fell on the ground and covered her cheek with her hands

Dad didn't mind him and went into the kitchen, suddenly I heard another shout, and also a noise of a plate breaking

My father came out of the kitchen room again, he shouted at mom, and threw a plate at the wall

My mom got scared but she didn't say anything, she tried to calm herself down but dad kept shouting at her

She got up but my father slapped her again, this time on another cheek

I couldn't hold my tears, I bawled

My father heard me, he suddenly turned around and saw me

I got scared, I got chills in my body, I was frozen, I didn't know what to do, I didn't want him to slap me too

He wanted to come closer to me but my mother stopped him and begged him not to harm me or come any closer to me

My father got rid of her and pushed her on the ground, he came closer and closer to me...

Suddenly he bent down and slapped me...

My cheek burned, he slapped me with his whole strength and told me that I was useless and nobody needed me in this world

I wanted to cry... I badly wanted to cry but I couldn't... Tears weren't coming down from my eyes...

Suddenly I went to the front door opened it and ran as fast as I could, I ran as fast as I could from him

I ran to the center of the street, it was 11 o'clock, nobody was outside, they were probably celebrating Christmas eve with their families

Christmas was in one hour, everyone was happy, but I was the only one who didn't know what to do

I started crying, I started crying as much as I could, I bawled like an idiot

It hurted so badly, but that didn't matter to me

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