Last Letter 💌 #1

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24 october
From: New york
To: Seoul
Adressant: Jeon Jungkook

I arrived babe! I can't believe it! I am in New York! This has always been my biggest dream, I still can't believe my eyes, although I am sad that you won't be here but also look on the bright, we will get to send letters to each other every day, but since Seoul is so far away from New York, it might take a long time for you to receive all this letters, but don't worry I'll write to you everyday! Everyhour! and everymoment! So sorry babe, I gotta go, my lecture starts in 20 minutes, let me put this letter in an envelope and send it to you, sending air kisses and hugs, love you a lot

25 October
From: Seoul
To: New york
Adressant: Jennie kim

I just received your letter babe, I am so happy for you, I knew you could do it, you can't imagine how proud I am, although it's bad that we don't go to the same college nor in the same city! But it's still okay, since I know that you will send me letter everysecond, make sure to write me about your first day at college, mine went just fine, I met this new guy called Jimin and also a new girl, I don't really remember her name, I think it started with an L? Well, it still doesn't matter, I also have to go now, love you a lot my little Jendukie, already miss you

27 October
From: New York
To: Seoul
Adressant: Jeon Jungkook

Sorry that I couldn't write to you yesterday babe, I was just really busy with studies, our lector gave us so much work to do, and it has only been one day, by the way I think I already fell in love with this place, it's so beautiful here, but it's also kind of scary cause there are tons of skyscrapers I'll make sure to send you lots of pictures too! I'll put the picture my friend took in the envelope with the letter, oh.. And I forgot to tell you, I made so much new friends, one of them is a girl and her name is Sana, she is really sweet and cute, I am glad she is my friend, by the way send me your photos too, I want to see your handsome face again <33

The picture:
(author-nim: I know it's not New-York but just pretend it is)

The picture:(author-nim: I know it's not New-York but just pretend it is)

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Saranghea <3
Don't forget to write to me!

P. S
I miss you so much my kookie, hope you are having a great time

29 October
From: Seoul
To: New-york
Adressant: Kim Jennie

I just received your letter, you look so cute, wish I could squish those mandu cheeks right now, by the way I am so happy you made friends, it hasn't even been 1 week, great job babe, well I've been hanging out with Jimin lately and also the girl I told you about, I said that her name starts with an L, well I asked for her name today and she said her name is Lalisa manoban, her me and Jimin have been hanging out lately, they are great, well today there is this party at my college and I got invited too, I am getting ready for it right now
Gotta go, love you

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