Love in the rain

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For me, Love was just another basic, plain and simple word that people used to describe their feelings with, '' I Love you'' meant nothing to me because i didn't believe true love existed

 until i  met her...

My attachment towards her drove me crazy, I couldn't stop thinking about her for hours, days, weeks, months , even though we had only met once, but this connection between us was so strong, it felt like i knew her for 20 years instead of 20 seconds

The day i met her...

Jungkook pov:

It was raining...

{ I hate rain... rain is usually used as a metaphor for a romantic moment, but for me that's just a bullshit stereotype, In movies couples always kiss when it's raining, that is also bullshit from my point of view, how can someone kiss in such wetness but i guess it all comes to one thing the movie called ''the notebook'', personally I have never watched it but i know the plot and i think that movie is just overrated, It basically just romanticizes toxic relationships and promulgates an unhealthy culture of jerk worship. For me their love is unreal and it sets everyone's expectations too high }

i was writing in my journal while the rain was pouring and while i was sitting in a cafe listening to soft jazz and drinking my hot latte, i was so in my thoughts that i didn't notice a girl enter the cafe, I suddenly turned off the music and took of my earphones, from what i could see, her back was completely wet

Poor girl... she probably didn't know it was going to rain so she got wet unexpectedly, when I was about to offer her some cloth napkin to wipe her neck or at least face, I heard her say something to the cashier

It's bucketing down huh?

the cashier nodded with a slight smile, than the girl ordered a hot latte just like i did, i wanted to feel like she was upset that it was raining but from her face i only saw pure mesmerize, she was looking outside the window, mesmerized by the rain

I felt kind of upset because of that, I felt like i was just writing in my diary about how rain and ''the notebook'' was overrated but this girl was thinking and feeling the opposite way, i decided to sit next to her but i didn't look at her because of the anger

What do you find so beautiful about it? - i said these words with an angry cough, nobody else was sitting in the cafe, it was just the two of us, she didn't turn around me but still gave me a small answer


i was not satisfied by the short and quick answer, so i decided to go deeper, since she wasn't looking at me, i couldn't see her face, but i still told her what my thoughts about rain was

It's ugly and it represents unhappiness

No, it's beautiful and represents aliveness - still not looking at me

gloomy - i said

romantic - she added

cold - i fought against her

could be warm - she didn't give up





I only saw and thought of the bad sides of rain while she was talking about the good sides of it, i stopped for a minute and looked away but i could feel that she turned around, because i heard the small sound of the chair turning around

The Joy. The Happiness. The ecstasy. That sweet earthy smell, the tiny droplets hanging on the leaves - it sounded like she was telling me a poem, i turned to look at her, we both made eye contact then she added - that's how i see rain

i took a big, nervous gulp, everything she said made me shiver inside but it wasn't the cold shiver, it was the warm kind of shiver that makes you feel something, when i looked at her and when we made eye contact i felt butterflies in my stomach i had this weird feeling, but it was weird in a good, warm way...

it was a beautiful night in Paris, it was a warm tense in the small cafe that you can feel in every narrow street of France

suddenly she grabbed my hand and pulled me in the rain

i felt .... Alive

I felt joy, happiness, wildness, every single thing she mentioned earlier

come let's watch ''the notebook'' in a theater, they are playing it right now

I never saw her after that night, it has already been five years and i couldn't stop thinking about her..she made me feel something new that night and i would never forget it, i only caught her name, she said that it was Jennie, i told her that mine was Jungkook, after that we 

one night when i went into the theater to watch ''the notebook'' for the 50th time, i saw a familiar figure, sitting in my seat, practically it wasn't my seat but i always sat there after that night, when i went closer to the woman

I noticed that she was ugly crying, than i realized that it was her! Jennie! the girl i had been looking for 5 years, she was watching ''the notebook'' while wiping the tears off her eyes, i went straight to her and told her 

I love you!

she didn't look at me, she just gave me a signal to be quite

shush! this is the moment where they first kiss in the rain after their reunite

i chuckled and turned around to watch the movie with her

- the end -

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