chapter nine

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I wake to silence, well, apart from the usual downpour of rain. The buzz that was still evident when I went to bed is gone and when I go downstairs I find Dad’s vice sleeping on the foyer couch, his suit heavily creased. When I pass the office, the door is slightly ajar and peeking in I see Dad slumped in his chair, his black jacket is hung over the back and his tie looks uncomfortably tight. I silently creep along to the chair and gently loosen Dad’s tie.

I could take this time to look for Mr Cyone’s file, but I realise Dad needs his rest and the metal drawers aren’t exactly silent. I make my way to the studio and stand at the easel once more. This time the red blotches take a form to look as a rose, some darker lines of red in the deformed circle.

I grab the pencil gently in my hand and try to give the roses more form. For once my hand cooperates with my ideas and soon I have roses that could pass as though a professional painted them. I place the pencil back and take a look at my work. The dagger and the rose, total opposites; the blade of the dagger constantly being a danger and threat, with the rose being a contrast as a symbol of grace, tenderness and beauty, however with thorns on the stem which can also be dangerous. I pick up a thin brush and dab it in a dark red paint, as rich in colour as blood, and run over the pencil marks. Soon after I shade some of the dagger in to add depth, but that doesn’t turn out as well as the roses. Sorry hand skill... I guess I pushed it a bit.

With that I put the pencil back once more and very soon the house starts to stir with life. I turn around to go upstairs and I meet the eyes of Dad’s vice, who is now sitting on the couch looking rather peaky.

“Morning.” His deep voice says.

“Good morning.” I answer, probably too soft to hear as I walk past.

Once in my room I flop onto my bed and stare up at the ceiling, examining the slightly grey plaster. After at least ten minutes I get ready and brush out my mangled hair, with great difficulty. I dress in the most professional outfit I own, ready to look presentable for the cameras when the mayor is announced, which will most likely be Dad. Dad has never lost an election and he can’t just lose to a creepy man, especially when Josephine’s mother is his vice!

Very soon we are all ready, but today Mum is a no-show, I guess one day was enough for her. I am disappointed though, this is a huge moment in Dad’s career and she cannot be bothered to pull herself out of bed for just another day. That’s two days every few years; it’s really not that hard.

I am ready just as Dad starts to stir so I grab my phone and check it for texts; nothing. Having no further use for it,  I place it back down on my dresser and walk downstairs.

~     ~    ~

The meeting room just off the town hall’s main entrance is marvellous. Long windows line the outer wall letting grey light in, a large black table is centred in the room and can fit all the council members with about ten chairs spare. I don’t see why they don’t hold their meetings in here instead; there is so much more space. However, I guess that gives Dad his trademark ‘family feel’, although my family isn’t much of a family anymore.

I take a seat inbetween Dad and Tom and look around the room while we go through the pre-announcement speech items.

Opposite me is a bookshelf filled with political and law books, which don’t look too exciting, but I expect it is part of the criteria to make a town hall. A large photograph of a man with a stringy black beard hangs on the wall with a large label stating ‘FOUNDER, FAIRSHADOW TOWN HALL’. Oh, another rick old man wanting his name and face on something.

I switch my eyes to the door and take in the detail of it that I missed when I entered. The white door has intricate detailing around my waist height, wooden swirls that almost seem to camouflage into the door.

Soon we are moving into the central point of the city hall where there are mant seats. Tom and I are seated near the front where Dad and his vice are in plain view. Sitting opposite him is Mr Cyone and Josephine’s mother. Josephine really is her mother’s daughter; both have richly coloured hair and clear skin, they are both also arrogant and must have their own way.

A row behind him is a man who seems strangely familiar. My brain scans through faces and that’s when I remember – Alex’s father. I search the seats behind his father and soon find Alex. His is once again wearing his suit, which may I say looks very good on him. His strong green eyes are focused, but I guess my staring isn’t as subtle as I think and he turns and meets my eyes. I hold his gaze for a second, but then look away.

Focus, Luna or else you’re going to miss the announcement.

A long introductory speech is said by my father and I can see his leg bobbing up and down nervously.

‘Relax, Dade. Since when have you been nervous?’ I think.

I look down at Tommy who then returns my look and shares my slight worry. I do a quick scan around the room again and my eyes stop on Mr Cyone. He sits relaxed in his chair, legs stretched out in boredom, but a sort of atmosphere around him says, ‘I’ve got this.

What makes him so sure? So far all I can match him with is Josephine. Perhaps that’s what all of the opposing party is like; cocky and ignorant, but then again Alex is so respectful and regular...

I snap myself out of thought and back to the speech. Dad’s jiggling leg has gotten worse and I am glad the video camera broadcasting only fits in his upper body and the top of the podium.

I wonder how Rose and Maxwell’s date is going and I hope Abigail is making herself unlikeable. I wonder if Carrie is bitching about me behind my back, or if she’s pretending that I never even existed. I hope that is she is backstabbing me that Lily is perhaps standing up for me, and not being too welcoming to Abigail. However, I hope she is welcoming to Maxwell, it’s rare for Rose to ever get a guy and I’m proud of her.

When I switch back to the meeting I find the urge to sneeze – which happens when I worry. I feel it building up, but the room is dead silent so I try to hold it in. I hope I’m not pulling horrible faces. Finally we are up to the results. I cross my fingers tightly and look down to Tom who also has his crossed and his eyes closed mumbling something. Perhaps a wish.

Dad steps down from the podium and another member of the government steps up.

The results are announced and my stomach drops. I immediately shoot my eyes to Dad whose face is just as shocked and disappointed as I feel. Mr Cyone walks up to the podium to deliver his speech and he seems to have kept the same amount of confidence as before, as though he knew he was going to win.

“Well, it’s about time for a change.” Are the first words he says.

Mr Cyone is now our mayor.

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