Blood Roses

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Dear Reader, 

This is a book that came from a vague idea one day while I was in the car with the windows down, the wind hitting my face. It came to me as a question 'what if there was no air?'. As soon as I got home I started jotting ideas and a rough storyline into my notebook. It has taken me a while to reach this far and have combined the idea of having no air with other burnt out story ideas of mine. This resulted in "Blood Roses". 

It would mean so much to me if you could hit the vote button, comment, fan and share as I am really aiming high for this book, I have put a lot of work in it already and it is not even up to the tenth chapter yet! Feel free to leave any constructive critism, tell me what you think, ask questions or point out mistakes. 

I am also hoping to find a promoter *nudge nudge wink wink*. Anyway on with the book, I will post the first chapter tomorrow and will share and share until one week is over. Then, I will post another. 

I am sorry if "Blood Roses" starts off slow, but it gives you vital information in the first few chapters, so take notice and don't worry, more action comes in chapter three and four. 

I appreciate all of the support and hope to some day get this book published. 

Note: Please check out the trailer to the side! Everything in this story is made by me - the story, teaser, trailer, cover and banner.

Another note: I will also be entering "Blood Roses" into the Watty Awards 2013, so please keep the support coming and together we can achieve this :D

 ** This is my first time writing in present tense, so if you find any mistakes please message or comment where they are - thanks! **


Thank you so much for reading, and continue on for the first chapter. 

Expect a new chapter EVERY FRIDAY!

Sophie x 

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