The Ending and Epilouge

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Indy raced over to the Basin of Holy Water, filled the cup, and without thinking twice, drank from it. Nothing happened at all. "You have chosen wisely," the Knight said.

"Sir, we couldn't explain earlier, but need to take the Grail to a friend. He is Dying of a severe wound to his stomach," Yakko said.

"I will allow you to take the Grail to him," The Knight replied, "Help him sup the water of the grail, and it will bring him Life. Pour the rest on his wound, and the healing power of the Grail will wash it away."

"Thank you sir," Wakko said, shaking the Knight's hand. "However, the Grail cannot pass beyond the Great Seal," the Knight warned. "That is the boundary, and the Price... of immortality."

Now back to where we Left off...

Indy, Elsa, and the Warners raced out of the temple and back through entrance from whence they came into it.

Indy helped his father sup the water of the Grail, reviving him. He then poured the rest on the wound in his stomach, healing it, and washing it away, and the skin was now white as snow with no sign of Blood anymore.

Indy was just happy his Father was still alive, and smiled as his Father woke up, and Sallah and the Warners smiled. Brody was so astonished, that he did the Christian Trinity motions: "Blessed be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost."

Henry took the grail and looked at it. He had been seraching for it his entire life, and he had finally had it in his grasp. The Soliders ran away from the Temple, and Sallah held four that couldn't escape at gunpoint. "Drop your guns, please." He said. The soldiers did so, and surrendered.

"Dad, Come on. Get to your feet," Indy said as he helped his father up. The Grail was left on the Floor. No one noticed it until, that Is, Elsa Grabbed it. "Elsa! Stop!" Called Yakko.

"We have got it! Come on!" Elsa called back as she stepped backwards. "Elsa! Elsa, don't Move!" Indy called. "The seal!" Dot Cried. "What about the Seal?" Melody asked. "Long Story, Melody!" Wakko replied.

"It's ours, Indy... yours and mine!" Elsa called. "Elsa, don't cross the seal!" Indy yelled. "The knight warned us not to take the Grail from here!" Suddenly there was a rumbling and the Temple began to collapse.

"Too late! She already crossed it!" Cried Wakko. "Everything's Collapsing!" Melody exclaimed as Elsa fell to the ground and dropped the Grail. Then there was trouble, the ground started to break due to an earthquake, creating a great chasm within the cracks!

Elsa dove to get the Grail, but knocked it into the pit, where it landed on a ledge. "We gotta get out of here now!" Yakko cried. Elsa leapt down, but began to slip down. Indy went to grab her as Sallah pulled Henry to safety.

Indy held onto Elsa and wouldn't let go. "Junior!" Henry cried, but he knew his son was doing the right thing. But Elsa got a hand free and began reaching for the grail.

"Elsa, don't Elsa..." Indy said. "Elsa, give me your other hand honey, I can't hold you!" "I can reach it..." Elsa gasped. "I can reach it."

"Elsa, give me your hand. Give me your other hand!" Indy called. Then, Elsa's glove Slipped off, loosing all grip with Indy and she fell into the pit. "ELSA!" Indy cried as the Art collector fell down, never to be seen alive again.

Suddenly, the ground Indy was on gave way, but Henry and the Warners Caught him and they never let go of him. "Junior, give me your other hand!" Henry called. "I can't hold on." "I can get it," Indy replied. "I can almost reach it, Dad." "Indy! You can't!" Cried Dot. "Give your father your hand!" "I can get it, Dot!" Indy called back.

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