Chapter 2

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Back on Earth

Quotes translated to English

The alleyway in which Hitler was shot and killed was desolate and quiet. Not many witnesses were around to see the events that unfolded. However, the ones who were around, including the driver, were a little on edge.

Smoke and steam from city vents masked the scene, giving the area an eerie feel. Everyday city noise like the rumbling of vehicles, and dogs barking at a distance added to this uncomfortable aura.

One of the head generals, the men who escorted Hitler wherever he went, noticed a glimmer down the alley and decided to get a closer look.

His breath was seen through the fog, and quickly, he snatched the object from the cobble. He adjusted his circular eyeglasses. It was a pen.

This was not an ordinary pen. It did not seem Earth-like at all.

"Sir, you might want to come and see this," he hollered back to another general.

The man came from behind to inspect the pen he had in his hand. He then took it from him to get a closer look.

"Hmm, this seems like something I am familiar with, but I am not quite sure. Maybe this is something we need to talk to the head boss about. Here, let me give him a call."

Back in the Chancellor's chamber, the room was about half as full as before. On one of the podiums rested a telephone, and the general carried on making his phone call.

"Yes? Who is this?"

"Hey, this is General Hans. I have called to inform you of a mysterious pen and I was wondering if you could shed any light on the matter. It is... Most peculiar."

The man behind the phone was no other than Heinrich Himmler himself. He put some thought into it as he relaxed in his expensive chair. His shiny rubber boots complimented the large desk he propped them upon.

"Hmm, perhaps I can take a look at it. Meet me tomorrow in my office at around noon. Do not be late. Surely this situation is dire, correct?"

"Absolutely. Take care." The general hurries to hang up the phone.

In Hell

In Hell, Halloween was regarded as the most important time of the year, where Satan is at his strongest.

Many citizens of hell from all corners and territories celebrate by throwing massive parades and parties that naturally last all night, and are naturally upbeat as most festivals and celebrations are.

In the shopping mall, Blitzo wore a turtleneck sweater that fit snuggly around his body.

"If you tell anyone I stole this, I'm firing you." He tells the employees around him.

"Oh, calm down, Blitz. You have known us for how long?" Millie adds.

"So, what are we even doing here, Sir?"

"I want you to pick out a sweater that looks just like mine for Stolas. And make sure it's an extra-large and slim!"

Millie's eyes sparkle. "Aww, that's adorable!"

The imp rolled his eyes. "Are you going to help me or not?"

"We would love to, Boss! Come on, Moxxie!"

As the couple go and search for a matching sweater for Blitzo, you went your separate way to do some festive shopping yourself. You grabbed a pumpkin, and some heavy clothing, like jackets and hoodies, for the cooler season.

Loona was kept in the back of your mind, though. You began to wonder where she was at, and if that she was okay.

However, the store was too big, so finding her would be way too difficult, so it did not dance across your mind that often.

You did find her, eventually... In the middle of the mall sitting on a bench. Her body took up two seats as she was laying down; looking at her phone ever so blankly.

A concerned smirk cast over your face, but you proceeded onward with your shopping.

When you were done, you went to the cash register.

"Was everything okay?" The lady behind the counter asked.

You breathed out a "yes" just after handing her a jug of milk. After the lady scanned for all your items, you paid her the necessary funds and left. Once you went outside, you began to wonder what happens next.

Do you get to keep your job? Did you successfully do what you were told by going shopping with your boss?

Once you were waiting for what seemed like hours, holding a jug of milk and a pumpkin in your hands, you see Blitzo, Loona, and M&M leave the store.

"Y/N! There you are! Where have you been?" Blitzo exclaims.

"I... Left."

"Well yeah, no shit. You should have told somebody that you were leaving."

"My apologies boss."

"Nah, don't worry about it. You can go home, now. At least you helped me out."

Your body filled with pure frustration, but you hide it and simply replied with "ok". Once you took care of all your groceries, sat down in your car, and shut the door, your frustration grew to a head and you push out heavy breaths as though you were in pain.

You wanted to say all kinds of things, but you did not, and only worked on calming yourself down just before you started driving. "The nerve of that guy to have me wait nearly two hours."

The temper that rose out of you subsided, and you were able to return to a clear conscious again. You proceeded to drive to your home that was in a suburb not too far away.

You open the door to be greeted by your cat. Normally, cats on their own do not appear in Hell, so it was one you grabbed from the living world on one of the many missions you and the crew did.

After the cat looked up at you after you opened the front door, it walked over to its dish and head bumped it. It was empty.

"Oh, I can see you're hungry. Here, let me help you out."

You grabbed cat food from the cabinet and poured some in its dish, and the cat began to eat as though it was starving. Clearly, it wasn't, though, because it was rather fat.

Thankfully, you had a few hours to spare before the big, grandiose Halloween festival begins. You better thank Blitzo for letting you off early.

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