Chapter 11

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I opened my eyes and looks around. Hannah was sitting in the corner eating ice cream with Kaida in her lap while Flappper and Star were at a stand reading over a book.

I stood up, letting my armor disappear and the throne descending back down the somewhat small hole under it. The floor closing causing a loud clash sound, grabbing the attention from the group.

"(Y/N), your back!", Hannah yelped and stood up. She completely ignored the fact Kaida was in her lap so Kaida fell right off of her.

Kaida looked up and grumbled before creating a small flame, giving a slight burn to Hannah's ankle.

"Ouch! Hey, I'm sorry!", Hannah said looking down at Kaida.

I laughed.

"Of course I am", I said crossing my arms and walking up to her.

"How did it go?", Flappper asked walking over and setting herself next to me. Star followed her.

"Decent, most of them weren't very fond over the idea of a human wielding the amulet".

"Well they can get over it. Still stuck in the old ways", Hannah commented.

"Hydra was super sweet and then Ruby. Nobody else really spoke to me other than Dalinda who was just snobby"

Star's ears poked up. "Dalinda?"


Flapper shook her head.

"She might act all high and mighty but she never listened. She had skill but never wanted to work for it, don't take her word for anything", Star stated.

I shrugged. "Ok."

"Anyway's, did you get anything useful?", Hannah asked.

"Yeah, I did. All I need is myself", I said.

"Yourself?", Star questioned.

"Think about it. Every dragon hunter has been a dragon except me. All of them failed. What if all we needed to defeat Raven is a human", I said.

"I mean it makes sense but she's huge. How are we suppose to take down a dragon?", Hannah asked.

"I was chosen, wasn't I?", I asked and threw my amulet into her hands.

She looked down and back up at me with a smile. "Your right, we can do this"

"At least someone has her self confidence back", Star said happily.

I smiled.

"Now what?", Flapper asked.

"Well now we start forming a plan to get that stone.", I said.

I started thinking back to the riddle that was given in the book and something clicked. "That's it!", I yelled.

"What?",Hannah asked confused, picking up Kaida.

"The riddle. Find the Baric Stone, hidden in a place which time is never ending but wilts.  Where time is never ending. It has to be the ShadowLands", I said."I saw it in the book. The solution isn't always where the villain is"

The Dragon Hunter: A New Threat  (Book 2 in series)Where stories live. Discover now