Bows VS Swords

62 5 0

Emma, 12
Caspian, 13

It's a beautiful sunny day, with a slight breeze. Caspian and Emma are out in a private courtyard, practicing their individual skills.
Emma lines up her shot, slightly squinting to block out the sun. She aims a hair left, before letting go.

A swift *fwoomp* and the arrow lands, just right of the bull's eye.

"Ooo," Caspian says teasingly, "You were so close. But don't worry, with a little bit more practice, you can be just as good as me."

He swings his arm around her shoulder.
"Oh alright right," she says looking up at him with a smirk, "How about you show me how its done?"

"Uh," the boy replies, grin wavering for a second, "Sure," he says quickly recovering.

He confidently picks up his bow from the weapons rack, toes the line, and nocks an arrow. Carefully lining up, pulling the string to his cheek, he let's go.


"Aw," The brunette girl says teasingly, "You did amazing. I think that is the closest to the edge anyone has every gotten before."

"Yeah yeah, very funny," Caspian says with an eyeroll.
Emma sticks her tongue out as she walks to the target, carefully pulling out the arrows.

Suddenly Caspian gets an idea.
"Say, how about you give dualing a go?"

"What?" She says incredulously, "No way, all of the swords are ridiculously heavy, and I'd like to keep all of my limbs."

"Relax," the young prince responded, tossing the girl a wooden training sword. She catches it gingerly.

"Fine," Emma says, carefully putting her bow and quiver near the target.

The two children circle each other, wary of the others movements. Emma feigns an attack left, before moving the sword deftly to the right. Caspian knocks her sword aside, and raises his sword. Emma goes on the offensive.
He attacks on the right, then left, then from above. Right, left, above. Right, left, above. They fall into a rhythm. Caspian attacking, Emma defending.
Suddenly, Caspian sweeps his sword under Emma's legs, knocking her to the ground.

"Humph," Emma gasps, as she attempts to scramble up, only to find the wooden sword at her throat.

"Need a hand?" Caspian says cheekily, offering his hand.

Emma glares at him from the ground, "That's cheating,"

"What, nooo,"

"In a fair fight, you don't sweep your opponents legs!"

"Well, we never said it was a fair fight..."

She brushes herself and begins walking back to the target.

Caspian grabs her waist, and presses his chest on her back.

"Sorry," he says, squeezing her slightly.

"Fine, I'll forgive you, but only if you say I'm better than you at everything."

Caspian gasps offended, "That's just evil."

Emma turns around, looking him in the eye, with an innocent smile.

Caspian is silent for a moment.

"Emma, you are.... better... than me at..... everything," he says with a pained expression.

"There, was that so hard?" She presses a chaste kiss to his cheeck before sauntering off with her bow, into to hallway.

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