Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
Glinda's POV
I stepped out of the grubby carriage and took in my surroundings. A new beginning in a new place. My pink, fluffy coat swayed in the breeze as I looked around. the men who helped me out of the carriage were already demanding their tip.
They didn't speak English so their hands were shoving in my face.
"okay. okay!" i handed over enough for both of them and they left me with my bags and drove off.
I had all my bags with me in the middle of the kingdom, and these were my clothes bags so a lot.
I looked around at the houses....not bad. The little pale coloured houses all in a row around the towns were cute, with their little chimneys and little doors. I may invest in a pink one.
I saw one particular house was....alive.. the pale blue walls showed life. the curtain was moving frantically. A man was behind it. looking out
Was that
The man and I locked eye contact for a second until he ran off.
It was him!
I walked over to the door and frantically knocked.
I heard a sigh from the other side of the door and stepped back politely at the door being unlocked.
The door suddenly opened and Fiyero came out to greet me. We enveloped in a tight hug as I smelt his musky smell.
"Glinda. it's been a while" he smiled as he stepped back like he was showing off a piece of art work.
I laughed.
"Fiyero. oh how I have missed you all!" i sighed as I thought of the memories don't think about her.
I looked at Fiyero who had turned his attention to my masses of bags building a barricade behind me.
I stopped and turned around. I must have had about 40 bags, All signed GU.
I looked back at Fiyero who was looking shocked and a little... scared?
"wow....where do I begin?" he chuckled. "although I am not surprised, it's you Glinda" I blushed as I walked up to the bags and sat on them.
This was my house until I could find a place to stay.
I looked at Fiyero's little blue house it was small and but bulky and the little flower boxes were adorable....if only, I sighed as I got off the boxes.
Suddenly the door to his house opened and a faint glimpse of green was seen.. I started to feel dizzy.
I saw nothing else as I fell onto the boxes and everything went black...
authors note.
good morning/evening everyone!
I am so so sorry that this took so long to post, I have been meaning to publish this but I have just been so unbelievably busy lately with school work and performing.. this although always been on my mind: "when can I publish this next chapter??" 😂😂
so again, I'm sorry for the overdue and I will update soon.

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