Chapter 8

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Authors Note
I am so so so so so so so so so so so 1000000000{24601}00x sorry that I haven't updated this story in a long time. I just finished my exams and I had started a new story which was non wicked related. I decided that this evening at 11:58pm that I would write the next chapter in Elphaba,
Fiyero and Glinda's life. I hope you enjoy and have a lovely day/evening (don't forget to smile😊)

Chapter 8
Elphaba's POV
What just happened?
I got so involved in Elsa's story that I sympathised too much and kissed her. okay Elphaba calm down. Just breathe. Inhale, exhale. Inhale and exhale. As soon as Elsa left I walked back to the house.
I opened the door to find the woman who had been involved earlier with Elsa, chatting to Glinda and Fiyero leaning against the wall shaking.
"Yero? What's wrong?" I asked as I walked over to him and touched his shoulder.
"Get away from me!" He shouted, he had been crying and was trying to hide it.
"What did I do to you?" I asked suddenly offended.
"You-you" he breathed in a heavy breath "you kissed her" he said looking at me with upset eyes.
.......oh shit.
how could he have been so lost?
That kiss meant nothing more than an act of friendliness. But would Fiyero accept that? Would be accept that I have a close friend?
"Oh Yero...." I didn't know what to say.
"Do you still love me?" He asked as he looked at me again with pleading eyes as he held the sides of my waist tightly.
I was shocked, taken aback, offended.
"What? Of course I still love you! How could you doubt me for a second? You are my only love and I will love only you.."
"And Elsa." He said plainly avoiding eye contact.
"No Elsa..." come on say it! "Elsa is..." Why is this so damn difficult. What do I class Elsa?
Oh lurline. He is right. Maybe I am in love with- no I am with Fiyero.
grow a pair Elphaba!
"Elsa is no more than a friend"
shut up brain.
there was an awkward silence and then Fiyero spoke up.
"You need to prove me wrong" he said as he started walking away. I grabbed his hand and spun him around, demanding a more extended explanation.
he sighed. "You still love me? Prove it"
He said and walked out the room.
I looked over at a bucket of fresh water. I couldn't. Could I? To get away from all this madness and all this confusion. Could Fiyero live without me? What about Terrance and Glinda? How would they cope if I wasn't there anymore. What about Elsa? Who would she talk to anymore?
Angry tears welled up in my eyes. I let them fall. the burning was welcoming. It's not like I was new to the torture thing before.

Fiyero's POV
I heard her tears sizzle on her skin. I instantly regretted what I had said and I knew that she would only do such a thing out of friendliness.
What could I do?
Should I leave her?
Stay with her?
why was this so damn hard?!
"Fae?" I stepped out of my hiding place and found her curled up in a ball against the door, looking at- no, a bucket.
I walked over to her and put her onto my lap. "baby your freezing" it was true, she was very cold and her tears had worn out her skin.
I kissed her tear stained face and kept saying: "I love you" over and over again.
She finally looked up at me and kissed me lightly on the lips.
I carried her into the bedroom of our little cottage and put her into bed, pulling her close.
"I love you Yero" she whispered as she fell asleep in my arms.

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