Blood Red Pills

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"Just rest here for now." Jungkook said after Taehyung took the pill.

"I can carry him back to our room. We live together." Namjoon insisted.

"No need. Let me stay for a while." Taehyung mumbled.


"You guys want some vitamins?" Yoongi came back to the room with another bottle of pills.

"You sure that's not just medicine?" Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows.

"It literally said right here that it's vitamins. Plus, it also said here that it's for stress relieving." Yoongi handed the bottle to Namjoon.

Namjoon turned the bottle around to look at the instructions.

"Take one only. Stress reliever vitamins." Namjoon opened the bottle. He took one pill out.

"Doesn't this look a little sketchy?" The pill was red, like the color blood.

"Looks like Tic Tac honestly." Jimin said.

"If it does relieve stress then give one to me. I definitely need one." Jin opened his palm and waited for Namjoon to hand him one.

He popped one in his mouth.

"Mm.. refreshing. Taste sweet too." Jin grabbed the bottle from Namjoon's hand, "What exactly is this?"

"Wait let me have some!" Jungkook took one and swallowed it, "oh yeah you're right. Taste like peppermint."

Jungkook started handing out pills to everyone.

"Ooo, just like candy." Jimin smiled.

"This is addicting to eat." Hoseok joked after he swallowed one.

"Only one guys." Namjoon warned.

"C-Can I have one too..?" Taehyung finally opened his eyes. Jungkook dropped one in his mouth.

"Woah.. that taste good." Taehyung smiled softly, "Can I have another one?"

"You can take only one." Jungkook told him.

"I don't think taking more than one will hurt us." Yoongi said.

"Let's not risk it." Namjoon crossed his arms.

*cough cough*

They all turned to look at Jin. He was having trouble breathing.

"Jin!" They all ran up to him.

Jin dropped the bottle and collapsed. Blood red pills were everywhere. Namjoon placed Jin's head on his lap. Everyone was panicking as they were running around the room.

 Everyone was panicking as they were running around the room

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"Hyung!" Jungkook cried out

Jin was desperately gasping for air. His eyes rolled back.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Yoongi yelled out in frustration.

"Call for help!"

"CALL THE FUCKING AMBULANCE!" Namjoon yelled angrily.

But before they could, Jin wasn't moving any more.

"Jin..?" Namjoon gently shook him.

"He's..." Jimin trembled, "He's d-dead.."

Jimin backed away in fear.

"HOSEOK!!" Yoongi's voice was heard from the bathroom, "HE'S DEAD! HE'S FUCKING DEAD!!"

Jungkook and Jimin rushed to the bathroom. There was Hoseok, laying lifelessly on the floor beside the toilet.

*cough cough*

Jungkook turned his head to look at Jimin who had already collapsed onto the floor.

"No... No.. this isn't real.." Jungkook grabbed Jimin who was choking.

"It's that fucking pill.." Yoongi helped Jungkook carry Jimin on his back.

"We're going to the hospital. Go get Namjoon and Taehyung." They both rushed back to the living room.

Namjoon was laying beside Jin, dead.

"Hyung, go carry Taehyung. We're getting out of here." Jungkook ordered while looking at the dead bodies.

Jimin was still gasping for air.

"Hang on there Jimin. We're going to take you to the hospital." Jungkook was on the verge of tears.

"Jungkook leave now," Yoongi turned around, "Taehyung's already dead."

Jungkook headed straight to the door. But before he could, pain rushes through his body.

"Fuck!" He heard Yoongi cried out from behind.

"Jimin..." Jungkook was struggling to breathe. But Jimin wasn't responding or making any sounds. Jungkook was now carrying a lifeless body on his back.

"Hyung help..." Jungkook turned around and fell.

As he struggled to keep his eyes open, Jungkook called for Yoongi one last time.

The last thing he saw was Yoongi laying lifelessly with his eyes open.

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